I am the profile manager for Richard [Townely-15] b.1499 but I can't change the profile because I don't have Pre_1500 approval/certification. How does one fix mistakes on these profies? I mistakenly adopted this profile thinking that I could edit it.
Sir Richard [Towneley-42] (1445-1482) m Joanna Southworth had a son;
(Sir) John [Towneley-5] "Sherriff of Lancashire" b, 1473-1540 m. Isabella Pilkington had sons;
Richard [Towneley-15] 1499-1555 MISTAKE m. Grace Foljambe AND BROTHER Charles Towneley [Towneley-20] d. 1539 m. Elizabeth Kaye
Richard [Towneley-15] (above) b. 1499- 1555 and Grace Foljambe had a son:
Richard Towneley b.? d. 22 Oct 1554 m. Frances Wimbishe (NOTE: DIED BEFORE HIS FATHER) There's no profile on Wikitree for this Richard Towneley
Richard and Frances Wimbishe (no profile on Wikitree are the parents of Mary Towneley b. 1541-1606).
Charles [Towneley-20] m. Elizabeth Kaye are the parents of John [Towneley-141] of Grays Inn b. 1528
Mary [Towneley-142] b. 1541 m. John [Towneley-141] of Grays inn b. 1528.
Please if anyone can correct it please go ahead. Kind regards, Anna