Cleaning this profile [closed]

+6 votes
I'm fairly new to data doctoring, so I have a question. I'm looking at this profile with the intention to clean it, and checking the sources I don't see a single one that isn't a broken link, and the others are junk things like the Millenium file and such. Should all of that then be deleted? I'm thinking yes and add an unsrouced tag to it because I don't see any legit sources. Any advice would be appreciated
WikiTree profile: Margery Skinner
closed with the note: Done.
in Policy and Style by Christina Mckeithan G2G6 Mach 1 (14.7k points)
closed by Christina Mckeithan
I went ahead and cleaned it up, incorporating everyone's input. Thank you all !

3 Answers

+10 votes

Part of the clean up needed is to only have one biography and sources section. 

You can switch the ancestry links to use the Ancestry Templates, but I would also include the information that is shown. Some of those links can come and go and then come back.  

Combining sources will help to clean it up. The majority of the source info at the bottom repeats itself and can be shortened.

I agree that the sources being used are created from ancestry trees into nice sounding names, but until something better is found, the information shouldn't be removed. 

by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (828k points)
Thank you Linda, this will be helpful and make it look much cleaner
Oh, my gosh! How did I not know how to do this? This is a game-changer. Thank you so much!
+10 votes

Christina, there is a really good video by Julie Ricketts about how to clean GEDCOM junk.

I have cleaned many bios this way.

You have chosen a challenging one, in that it's also a merge cleanup. Perhaps there are others you could practice on and get comfortable with the process first?

by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Thanks Natalie.I will definetly watch the video for pointers. I was trying to stick to easier ones at first, these last few in my ancestor lists are more complex and I left for last thing this week. .
+8 votes

Although the links no longer work, one of the sources, the "UK, Extracted Probate Records, 1269-1975", is actually a legitimate record collection. Looking at it on Ancestry, the specific volume being referenced is "Index To Wills Now Preserved In The Essex Record Office Chelmsford". So rather than using the Ancestry link, you could link to it directly on the Essex Record Office website using Reference: D/ABW 43/174 and the link

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (434k points)
Awesome Paul thanks! I was wondering if this one might be legit, but I decided to wait and see what folks say here first before touching anything.

Started looking around, theres a full abstract of this will and her husbands here

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