Why is the profile of Thomas Hardy orphaned? [closed]

+7 votes
He's notable, and author of several works of fiction including Jude the Obscure, Return of The Native and Far From the Madding Crowd, and his profile is orphaned.

How did this happen?
WikiTree profile: Thomas Hardy
closed with the note: Resolved
in Genealogy Help by Susan Wilson G2G6 (9.6k points)
closed by Jillaine Smith
Well there's a simple solution ...
An opportunity for someone
On orphan profile is not a bad thing. It is available for a family member to adopt.
He is waiting for someone with an interest in his life to do his profile justice.
I have, in the past, made profiles and then found they didn’t fit into my family. So I corrected my errors and orphaned them. No one should feel forced or shamed to be PM. It is good that the profiles are there and ready to be found when someone comes looking, that sources are already cited, and connections easier to confirm.

The whole concept of Wikitree being collaborative is what, in my opinion, makes it so much better than other sites and more fun to work on.
If one of these comments could be made into an answer?
So many orphaned profiles, so little time. I have a motherly feeling toward orphaned profiles and I don't mind adopting a profile. At the same time, however, I don't have enough time to work on my own ancestors profiles. Also I have a list of orphaned profiles which I want to at least make a contribution to, many of whom I believe might be relatives. Like most people I need to prioritize.

And here I go again, defending myself.

3 Answers

+6 votes

It's a shame that it doesn't have some TLC but often people don't have time so it is better to orphan a profile if you aren't able to take responsibility for it.

 One of the other members has previous asked to be on the trusted list. I'll ask if she wants to take it on.

I've added a few photos that have been stuck on my computer for ages waiting to be put on. I've also written about his two burials and revised the info about where he died which was incorrect.

Then I started sticking other grave photos onto family members profiles, and  I think there maybe some errors

compare gravestone for his grandmother https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Head-439  with the info on the bio.

edit removed extraneous link.

by Helen Ford G2G6 Pilot (495k points)
edited by Helen Ford
+9 votes
Thanks for bringing this to light Susan, and thanks to Helen for offering to do some initial work on the profile. I have adopted him on behalf of the England Project. I see that he already has the English Author category applied.

Jo, England Project managed profiles coordinator
by Jo Fitz-Henry G2G6 Pilot (189k points)
Thank you, Jo Fitz-Henry.
I am going to work on his family as his aunt is the ancestor of the wife of one of my family.

I am happy to spruce up his profile as part of my work in the Dorset team.
+9 votes
Susan, That profile was added by a Family member who has been inactive since early 2014. There have been many edits since that time and the reality is that on WikiTree as long as the profile is totally open as this one is there is no need for a manager, The manager has very limited ability to do anything to an open profile that any member could not do without being on the trusted list.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Having the England Project as a profile manager will be a good thing. Profiles of famous people often get more public attention than the average WikiTree profile, and having a project as a profile manager will ensure that someone is paying attention to profile changes and will receive the notifications if questions are asked about the Hardy profile.
Thanks to everyone who gave positive answers.

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