I would like to add a Y-37 test for my father, Ewing-957 but cannot

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WikiTree profile: Ewing-957
in Genealogy Help by Jaye Procure G2G Crew (740 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Your father is evidently living as his profile is private. You cannot add DNA for a living person other than yourself. You can help your father join and help him add his DNA information. Then, he can make you his profile manager and he does not have to do anything else if he doesn't want to.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Thank you.  Of course. That makes sense, but as I recall I was able to enter autosomal results for him and for my mum.

But that was a long time ago..

That was probably before GDPR came into effect. A lot changed at that time. Here is a link to it in G2G:


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