Good morning!
This is my first time doing this, so I hope I do it right.
A little about me, I'm 53, mom of 6 adult children, and grandma of 13. I was born in Chicago and grew up in Zion, Illinois. I currently live in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
My mother was adopted when she was a baby, and later found her biological family. A lot of them trace back to Missouri. Her birth family's last name is Alsup.
My 3rd great grandfather, Moses Lock Alsup bred and raced horses and was the founder of Race Track Hollow in Douglas County Missouri. My family and some others dedicated a monument there in 2006, and another in 2008 at the Denlow Cemetery where most of my ancestors are buried.
My aunt, Catherine Alsup Reilly, published a book (Book of Moses Lock Alsup, 1813-1896) and also A DVD Documentary (An Alsup Journey), that covers the Alsups migration to the United States from England and the adventures that eventually led them to settle in Douglas County.
I created and run a private Facebook group (Alsup Family Line) where a lot of us post about our family history and just try to keep in touch. We only allow bloodline Alsups in, so we don't have the confusion of husbands, wives, stepchildren, adopted members, etc.
Well, this was a little longer introduction than I planned, but if anyone here is an Alsup descendent, we are more than likely related some way, and you are welcome to get in touch. I would love to comapre notes!
Thank you for having me on your team!