Team Missouri Source-a-Thon 2020 chat

+10 votes

Hello Team Missouri!

Team Missouri covers Missouri and the states that share a border with her, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska & Illinois. Missouri is known as the "Show Me" state. We want and need proof!

This post will create a thread where we can work together to coordinate our efforts or just chat. Thank you for volunteering to help and for joining our team. This is the place for the team to ask questions, give advice, see updates, and cheer each other on.

WikiTree profile: Space:Team_Missouri
in The Tree House by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (158k points)
I reviewed a video on how to do this project.  In the video it stated that we need to post a number when we do the Source-a-Thon.  Where do I find that number?  I know we do not use this until the start of the Source-a-Thon, just wanted to make sure I know where to find things.
I think the number you're talking about is the bib number. And you really do nothing with it. The Source-a-thon was the original event of the "thons" and they treated it like it was a marathon race, hence the bib numbers. Some folks capture the bib picture and post it to their profile but really, it's just for fun.
I decided to tackle the unsourced with no dates (00 000 0000) or however it shows up. I didn't figure anyone else would want it, and I have found a couple to change to sourced.  I'm not tackling the women without any dates, as marriages can change their name several times.  If I finish the more promising one, I may try them to.  Not accomplishing much, but it takes a lot of drops to fill a cup.
You are correct! Even if you only do 5, that's five more that we wouldn't have had without you.

And brave choice. I stay in my comfort zone, the 1800s. lol
Help!!! For the last 45 minutes I have been attempting to click the 'challenge tracker' button and it takes me to a 'not available' type page. Didn't have that problem before that time. Is it getting too busy or what?
Server is down and has been for a bit. Frustrating!

Can you add this as an Iowa Resource?
Yep, just added it!

14 Answers

+6 votes
Hi Lori - I asked to be signed up for the Team Missouri for the Source-a-Thon.   I'm expecting a grandbaby so I don't know how much help I'll actually be, but I'm thinking it's better to be signed up and not able to help much than to not sign up and have a bunch of free time (babies come when they want to!)  Thanks....
by Mary Thomas G2G6 Mach 1 (18.5k points)
Gotcha Mary! We appreciate whatever you can do.
Did you have your grandbaby during the thon? Yet?
Hi Judy, grandbaby was born on Sept 27!  He is absolutely beautiful. I was out of town for the whole sourceathon but I will make it up to you all by continuing to add and correct sources. Thanks!
+6 votes
Please sign Cary Bright up for Team Missouri and the Source-a-Thon. I will be logging in each am 6-9a PST and evening from Palm Springs will escaping Covid life!
by Cary Bright G2G1 (1.2k points)
Cary you need to sign up on the main Source-a-thon thread and tell them you want to be on Team Missouri. Otherwise, your work won't be counted.
+6 votes
Hi, in my prior Source-a-thons I worked on New Mexico with very few other Treers so I didn't have to worry about running into others.  How do we make sure that we aren't stepping on each other's profiles?
by Marcie Ruiz G2G6 Mach 6 (65.0k points)
In the past we've called a location. And if folks want to do that it's fine. Usually after I have my location, I pick a time period and then I either start working from the bottom or the middle of that list. Most folks start from the top.

It's inevitable that there will be some overlap especially since there are a couple of other teams that cover some of the same states. Do the best you can and don't be afraid to work on other states if your sourcing takes you in that direction.
+6 votes
Good morning team! I just added the state charts to the team page with clickable links to the unsourced profiles for those states. I also have a list of state resources for sources. Please let me know if any of them no longer work or if you have any you'd like to add.

As always, is a great resource for sourcing. Good luck this weekend and have a great time sourcing!!
by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (158k points)
Thanks for the charts Lori !
You're welcome Trish!
+5 votes

We at Nor'Easters wish you the best of luck in the 2020 Source-a-thon. Just over 8 hours to go before we kick it into high gear. And remember, HAVE FUN!!!!!

by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (422k points)
+6 votes
You know how county lines would change, and new counties were created?  And you might try to say that somebody was born in a county that had not even been created yet?

Here is a useful, interactive map to help you keep your Missouri counties straight:

Scroll down the page just a little, then click on the year you are investigating to see what the Missouri County map looked like at that time.  Very cool.
by Bartley McRorie G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
Nice find cousin! I'll add it to the resources.
Thanks that is always confusing. ..I have family that was born in one county and then a new county was created from pieces of three around it!  They never moved but looks like they did.

Have a great day ya'll and I will be in high gear tomorrow!
+7 votes
Good morning!

This is my first time doing this, so I hope I do it right.

A little about me, I'm 53, mom of 6 adult children, and grandma of 13. I was born in Chicago and grew up in Zion, Illinois. I currently live in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

My mother was adopted when she was a baby, and later found her biological family. A lot of them trace back to Missouri. Her birth family's last name is Alsup.

My 3rd great grandfather, Moses Lock Alsup bred and raced horses and was the founder of Race Track Hollow in Douglas County Missouri. My family and some others dedicated a monument there in 2006, and another in 2008 at the Denlow Cemetery where most of my ancestors are buried.

My aunt, Catherine Alsup Reilly, published a book (Book of Moses Lock Alsup, 1813-1896) and also A DVD Documentary (An Alsup Journey), that covers the Alsups migration to the United States from England and the adventures that eventually led them to settle in Douglas County.

I created and run a private Facebook group (Alsup Family Line) where a lot of us post about our family history and just try to keep in touch. We only allow bloodline Alsups in, so we don't have the confusion of husbands, wives, stepchildren, adopted members, etc.

Well, this was a little longer introduction than I planned, but if anyone here is an Alsup descendent, we are more than likely related some way, and you are welcome to get in touch. I would love to comapre notes!

Thank you for having me on your team!
by Beverly Smith G2G1 (1.3k points)
Thanks for being on the team Beverly!!
Thanks for the introduction, and welcome to the Team!

This is a helpful bunch, ask for help anytime!
Welcome to the team !!  Just checked to see if we are related and nope.   But Alsup is name I have investigated for DNA connections in one of my brick walls on my maternal side.  We are connected though back in my Combs cousins in Kentucky.
I have a ton of Combs DNA matches on Ancestry. I haven't gotten as far as to research any of them yet. I would be more than happy to try to see what I could match up for you if you want.
I would like to apologize for my lack of participation. I ended up babysitting a couple of my grandkids for the weekend and literally couldn't get anything done. I tried after they left last night and fell asleep at the keyboard while I was watching the video on what to do, lol.
It's a common name Comb's if you go to my profile and at the bottom hit connection finder you automatically see how we connect in that family and chances are the Alsup connect DNA wise someplace within some of those same lines.
+6 votes
I'll work as I can.

We had just started to move when Hurricane Sally hit us in Pensacola and, yes, we are on the west side just under the eye. People, house, and dogs are OK but the yard is a disaster. We lost four large trees: one onto a neighbor's garage and one of their's onto our electric gate. Gate not too badly damaged and all the neighbors got it off since it was beyond the capability of my sister and me: 77 and 72 years old; one with an immobile arm and the other with Rheumatoid Arthrithitis.

So while I will be helping, my references are all packed away and I have to spend computer time getting a tree service in here to clear the property. We got power back a few days ago, but internet only came back up yesterday.  And it my job to find a tree service company. I will help as I can, but most will be toward the end of the weekend. My sister has no comprehension of the importance of Genealogy. (Her life revolves abound the standard poodles she breeds.)

With you in heart
by Judy Bramlage G2G6 Pilot (242k points)
Judy, don't you worry about it. Sounds like you have enough things to worry about other than sourcing. Do what you can when you can. And if it's only one, that's one more that we didn't have.
+6 votes
DRAT! Looks like the .si server is down. I've been trying to log my latest change now for over 5 minutes and it keeps timing out.

Suspect it's all the folks coming on board after work maybe?? Whatever it is, it's frustrating.
by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (158k points)
I tried to click on the challenge tracker to record a point, and I get an error message every time also.

I also had that problem, and just left the page in an open window, and moved on to work in other windows.  Then after a long while, went back and hit the button to get credit for the Source-A-Thon, and it worked!  So, if the server gets slow again, just let it sit for a while.smiley

+7 votes

For the interesting biography category, or interesting source... check out

Amasa R. Heald

This was a fun find.

by Bryan Shannon G2G6 Mach 1 (16.7k points)
Heck of a nice find!! Wish I could find something like that for one of my ancestors.
pretty amazing !!
+4 votes

Hi not a team member but I got an email from Reclaim the Records regarding how they got access and are making available:

The Missouri Death Index 1968-2015

The Missouri Birth Index 1920(ish)-2015

Thought I would share, happy sourcing!

by Kristin Anderson G2G6 Mach 5 (53.5k points)
Thanks for sharing with us!!
+6 votes
Congrats to Teri & LaMyra on winning prizes!

And did I see you win one earlier Bryan?
by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (158k points)
Also Jim Angelo at 12 pm last night was just posted I think Lori....
Yes I double checked he won too, I posted a message to him on his profile page... but you might give him a try too.
I PMd him Trish. Hopefully he sees it in time to claim his prize.
Yes hopefully, was just gonna check for the Noon winner's too have you?
Jim was one of the noon winners.

It changes every 4 hours.
Oh yes, I must have misread that time am vs. pm, LOL!  More sleep :)
And now Karen has won a prize!! Go Team MO!
Congrats to Karen!
+4 votes
Just wanted to apologize for lack of activity!  Computer went down after a "restart to install updates."  I think its mostly working now.  Hopefully I can get a few more in before the end!
by Bartley McRorie G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
Unfortunately that happens sometimes. Still have plenty of time to make a difference!
+6 votes
Just posted the final team numbers to the team page. Thank you all for your excellent efforts! Hope to see you all for the next "Thon".
by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (158k points)

Thank you Lori,  again thanks for leading us by example!  You Rock!

Aw, Trish! You're so sweet.
Great Team Captain, Great Team!

Nice job all, my cousins from Missouri!
Great job all.   Had fun!

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