Hi Integrators Challenge Participants!
It's time for this month's Integrators Challenge. Prior months' stats can be found here for August 2020. Here's the Challenge Tracker Results Page that has up to the minute stats.
To participate:
- Answer here (NOT comment). You can use the Challenge Tracker (preferred) or list your contributions in the comments under your answer here. You only need to post once.
- If you opt to use the Tracker you are ready to go.
- If you opt to just post in this thread, list the G2G question you worked on and what you did here (answered the question, create a profile, source profile) in a comment on your answer. Number your contributions.
- All Challenge activity should involve G2G questions from two months ago or more. If the question is unanswered try to answer it.
Add the URL/Webpage Address of the question used to create the profile(s) under your Answer here when a profile is created to answer a G2G question.
Whatever question you choose, look at the information there and check to see if there is a profile on WikiTree yet. Yes? Move whatever information might be in the question to the profile, and put a link to the profile on the question in G2G so everyone is aware there is now a profile on WikiTree.
No profile? Create one (or a few if several people are mentioned in the question, comments, and answers), and do the same as above.
These are some threads to get you started if you don't want to do some searching on your own. If you use one of these, comment on your post below with which you are working on so you aren't doubling up another's work. Everything should be sourced!
'''Option two for Participating in the Integrators Challenge.'''
Click here to Create profiles using the Category: Needs Profiles Created. Selecting your Country and State.
- Create the profile, checking to make sure the profile does not already exist.
- Using the Tracker, click the Integrators Challenge box, click "New Profile from Needs Profiles Created (Add URL) and click Add Action.
- Add information to the bio and add sources to improve the profile and click the Integrators Challenge box and select added sources and the URL.
- Ask in the G2G Forum if any member is interested in adopting the profile.
- Try to connect the profile to a family/ancestor or tree already at WikiTree.
- If not using the Tracker, Add the URL/Webpage Address of the profile(s) used to create the new profile(s) under your Answer here when a profile is created.
REMOVE the category line at the top of the bio when you are done creating a profile. ie: [[Category: xxxx Project Needs Profiles Created]]
The Monthly Challenge runs from midnight the first day of your month and ends at 11:59 the last day of the month, your time.
Ask any questions you have here in the thread.
See and read the details of the Integrators Challenge and How the Challenge Works: Project:Integrators Challenge
New Step by Step Integrators Challenge Guide and Tips Page on how to participate in the monthly Challenge: Integrators Challenge Guide/Tips
WikiTree Profile: Space:Integrators_Project_Challenge_Outline
**Again if you are going to participate, (however you chose), Please tell us with an "ANSWER" below so we can count you in with our results!!