How can I tell when my personal family tree gets connected to the 'big tree'?

+3 votes
I have an extensive tree on, and have tried to transfer the GEDCOM file to Wikitree. How can I tell when my personal tree has been connected to the 'big tree'? As far as I can tell it is not connected yet.
in The Tree House by Margaret Erath G2G1 (1.2k points)

You will know when the connections show at the bottom of a profile. Like this :

Melanie is 31 degrees from Romare Bearden, 35 degrees from Duke Ellington, 39 degrees from Josephine Baker, 25 degrees from Langston Hughes, 27 degrees from Countée Cullen, 24 degrees from Marian Anderson, 25 degrees from Cabell Calloway, 26 degrees from Jean Toomer, 30 degrees from Arna Bontemps and 27 degrees from Beverly Benfer on our single family tree.

(It can take up to 24 hours or so after making the Connection, for the links to show up.)

At the end of the name on the profile page, if there is a yellow man/jigsaw piece then that profile is not connected.
At the end of the name on the profile page, if there is a yellow man/jigsaw piece then that profile is not connected.


Not everyone can see that icon.  You need to be badged as a Connector.

2 Answers

+4 votes
If you start to create a profile and find that one already exist, then you will have likely connected to the main tree

If you don't find a connection with your direct ancestors... then try branching out with their spouses and family
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)
+7 votes
If you uploaded a Gedcom then it will NOT be automatically uploaded like they are on Ancestry.

You will need to go through every person in your gedcom and determine if they are already on wikitree already or not - thus you accept or reject your new file so that you dont create a duplicate.

Please see the GEDcompare program - Link Below

This entire process must be done manually - by you - as the account holder.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

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