Help Required Philip-726 and Wendon-7 in Philp-493 Profile

+1 vote

I am new to WikiTree, so I am not sure of the best way to go about this. My ancestral Philp line traces back to John Philp (Philp-493) his wife Grace Cullis. Philp-493 has a son William Philp who I am descended from. However, I have what seems like very strong evidence to show that the son William (Philip-726) in the profile John-493 is incorrect. In addition, the marriage of William to Mary is incorrect, and Mary Wendon (Wendon-7 is incorrect). I would like to see what can be done to have someone check my findings, and to have the errors fixed where we have consensus. Note, I have tried unsuccessfully to contact the profile contact for Philip-726 and Wendon-7.

To summarise:

Philp-493 John Philp (married to Grace Cullis)

Father of (the profile has William Leslie Philip).

William Leslie Philp appears as Philip-726

Philip-726 is shown as married 11 Oct 1830, Lanivet, Cornwall to Mary Wendon.

Mary Wendon (Wendon-7) is listed as born 1809, Lanier (probable typo - ?Lanivet) , Cornwall.

Philip-726 is shown as Born before 10 Aug 1805 in Lezant, Cornwall, England

I believe the last three lines above are wrong. My reasoning is shown below:

Wrong Marriage - Lanivet:

The marriage in Lanivet 11 Oct 1830 is between William Phillips and Mary Wendon. William signs as William Phillips (not Philp). The witness at the marriage is Thomas Wendon, who is probably Mary’s father. This Mary is probably a second cousin to the correct Mary Wendon (see relationship and common ancestor in my Family Tree on Ancestry).

The William Phillips in the Lanivet marriage died in Cornwall at age 26 (Death details Feb 27 1836, Lanivet), so he cannot be the William Philp who left Cornwall in 1839 and arrived with his wife and 2 sons in South Australia in Feb 1840.

In the 1841 census, a Mary Phillips of the right age is recorded in Lanhydrock as a servant. Their 3 children are recorded in Lanivet with the childrens’ Grandfather Thomas Wendon (who was the witness at the wedding). So, this must be the family left by the deceased William Phillips, so they can also be ruled as my Philp ancestors who left Cornwall in 1839.

Right Marriage – Lannhydrock:

The 14 May 1835 marriage in Lanhydrock is between William Philp (ie correct spelling) and Mary Wendon. William signs as William Philp. His signature resembles his signature at the registration of two of his children born in South Australia.

The witness at the wedding is Richard Wendon, Probably Mary’s father. See my family tree, Mary Wendon, bapt Lanhydrock  16 Feb1812 to parents Richard Wendon and Elizabeth Pope). The name Richard appears in descendants in our family tree, with at least one “Richard Wendon Philp”, further supporting our Mary being the daughter of Richard Wendon, not Thomas Wendon.

It is important to note that the register for the marriage on 14 May 1835 in Lanhydrock records a marriage between a William Hill and Mary. The witness is Richard Wendon. Ann is most likely our Mary’s sister (Ann was baptised 16 Feb 1812, the same day as her sister Mary). William and Mary Hill, and William and Mary Wendon apply for free passage to South Australia, travel to South Australia on the same ship (the Java) and live in the same towns in South Australia. A stroke of luck in terms of evidence as it provides a strong link helping to identify the correct Wendon parents (Richard Wendon and Elizabeth Pope, not Thomas Wendon and Ann Pope), correct marriage (Lannhydrock not Lanivet) (and Philp not Phillips).

Our family notes indicate that our Mary was born 22 Jan 1811, so the bapt to parents Richard Wendon and Elizabeth Pope is a candidate. The Mary Wendon with parents Thomas Wendon and Ann Pope (ie, the Mary who married William Phillips) was baptised 9 Jan 1810 in Lanivet and is therefore not a likely candidate.

William Philp not Philip:

Philip-726 surname should be Philp (he signs as William Philp at his marriage in 1835 in Lanhydrock, and he signs as William Philp on the registrations of two of his sons in Australia).

His name is registered as Philp on the details of the birth of his two sons – First in Tywardreath Cornwall, the second son in Milltown, Cornwall.

The only record, I have of him being referred to as surname Philip, is on his application for free passage to South Australia (Pike Index). This was not written by him. As all Philp cousins know, we get lost in many a data base when our name is mistakenly written as “Philip.

Family notes indicate that he was born 8 Apr 1805. The Bodmin area features strongly in our family notes. There is a bapt for William Philp 5 May 1805 in Helland to parents John Philp and Grace Cullis. Bodmin and Helland are close to each other. This is more likely our William rather than the William Born before 10 Aug 1805 in Lezant.

John Philp and Grace Cullis are recorded as having a son Richard born/bapt 24 Feb 1819. There is a Richard Philp emigrated to the US via Canada. I have a number of DNA matches of Philp descendants in the US who claim they are descended from this Richard. The common ancestor is John Philp and Grace Cullis, thus supporting William Philp bapt 5 May 1805 in Helland as the correct William.

Why William Leslie Philp

I am not sure where the middle name Leslie comes from. I am keen to find the source of this name.

WikiTree profile: William Phillips
in Genealogy Help by Ian Philp G2G Rookie (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

I would suspect that there are multiple people with same / similar names.

  • In the marriage information on Philip-726, the witnesses are Thomas 'and' Elizabeth Wendon and it states 'with consent of parents', so 'assumption' probably could be made that those are her parents, at least at that time of marriage in 1830.  The Mary Wendon profile has Thomas and Ann Pope as parents and Ann did not died before 1830, so the marriage info may not be connected to the correct parents. 
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (830k points)

Thank you for the reply Linda. My feeling is that the Mary Wendon in the 1830 Lanivet marriage is connected to her correct parents (Thomas Wendon and Ann Pope). My issue with this marriage is that the couple concerned are not the parents of my ancestor William Philp (Philp-554). 

The reason that I think the parents are correct for the Lanivet Mary (Wendon-7) is that the only Mary Wendons I can find in Cornwall born between 1805 and 1815 are:

  • Mary Wendon baptised 9 Jan 1810 in Lanivet to Thomas Wendon and Ann Pope.
  • Mary Wendon baptised 16 Feb 1812 in Lanhydrock to Richard Wendon and Elizabeth Pope. Our family notes indicate our Mary was born 22 Jan 1811, if this is true it rules out the Lanivet Mary. 
Thomas Wendon is a witness at the Lanivet marriage. This could be Mary's father, but you have have raised a good question: Who is the Elizabeth Wendon who signed at this marriage. It is not necessarily her mother. Maybe it was her great Auntie Elizabeth (Richard Wendon's wife).
Richard Wendon is a witness at the Lanhydrock marriage. Probably the father, but who knows. The descendants have such a strong recurrence of "Richard" and even "Richard Wendon Philp" that the support for this as the correct marriage for the parents of Philp-554 is really strong.
I believe we need to change the marriage to the Lanhydrock marriage - so I am seeking an opinion on this.
Add a tag for Philip and Wendon, as well as England

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