Team Springbokke. Sourc-a-thon 2020 Chat Room

+11 votes

Come Join in all the fun 

The 2019 Source  Thon is coming soon !!! 

It will be going for 72 hours straight, '''from Friday October 2  at 8 AM (ET) until Monday October 5 at 8 AM (ET)''' [ Eastern Daylight Time]  is GMT +2) to kick off Family History Month. [[ Here]] is the official schedule. Genealogists from all over the world will be participating at the same time. 

in The Tree House by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
Hi Ronel,

 In preparation for the sourcing, is there anything Specific that we need to know or do regarding the SA profiles.

Hi Jaulanne 

No need to be doing anything  beforehand  We recommend that you start with your own unsourced profiles by following the unsourced tag on your own profile.  

You can also Tune in  for the WikiTree -Chat, talking about Sources  and where to find unsourced profiles for the upcoming Source -a thon profiles.  Hoag!YouTube:

Good luck  and have lots of fun.

 I have just been checking whether I can access various Sources. I have found various source references on profiles that link here  

are not working.  I am getting a 404 Error

Anyone else having problem
Good morning Ronel. What time in South Africa should we start, This GMT and ET stuff is confusing!


Yes. You are correct, It does give an error message.
Jaulanne and Drika

eggsa is a secondary source that link to eGGSA website which is down at the moment

Try Roots search on the right hand side of the profile linked to the Family search website which will provide a better source  

Tweak the source part a bit to narrow your search if there are to many options

Happy hunting
Drika  we start at 8am (ET) and as far as my calculations go that would be 14

14 00h today  (2pm)

9 Answers

+7 votes
I’d love to join the source-a-thon!
by Silvia Collasius G2G1 (1.5k points)
Great news Silvia

Wow So looking forward to have you on our team  and thank you in advance
+7 votes

Wow These members  joined

Thanks to each and very one of you  

You all rock !!!

Lede wat reeds by ons aangesluit het

Baie dankie aan een en elk

Julle is super sterre !!!

Ons wonderlike Span-  Suid Afrika Springbokke 2020

:[[van Heerden-335|Ronel Olivier]]  -   '''No: 26'''

:[[Van_der_Bank-9|Jaulanne van der Bank]]  '''No: 190'''

:[[Coetsee-48|Susanna de Bruyn]] '''No: 163'''

:[[Collasius-1|Silvia Collasius]] -  '''No: 141'''

:[[Aucamp-175|Drika Brown]]  -  '''No: 156'''

:[[Bergh-3|Anton Bergh]]   -  '''No: 134'''  

:[[Pieterse-13|Esmé van der Westhuizen]] - '''No: 242''' Working on Unsourced Free State

:[[Van_Niekerk-438|Gerry van Niekerk]] '''No: 228'''

:[[Wessels-1710|Christiaan Frederik Wessels]] -  '''No: 257'''

:[[Steyn-2293| Celia Malan]] '''No: 251'''

:[[Laubscher-282|André Laubscher]] '''No: 253'''

:[[Caldwell-5101|Sharon Caldwell]] '''No: 320 '''

:[[Bezuidenhout-210|Leon Bezuidenhout]] '''No: 354.'''

:[[Cormac-6|Pam Cormac Smith]] '''No: 419'''

:[[Fourie-1292|Jo Fourie]]  '''No:450'''

:[[Hunkin-99|Merryl Hunkin]] '''No; 459'''

:[[Benadie-48|Rudolf Benadie]] '''No; 493'''

:[[Kleynhans-1241|Selma Kleynhans]] 

by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
edited by Ronel Olivier

Tune in  for the WikiTree LiveCast - Tree Chat, talking about Sources  and where to find unsourced profiles for the upcoming Source -a thon profiles.  Hoag!YouTube:

+5 votes

We at Nor'Easters wish you the best of luck in the 2020 Source-a-thon. Just over 8 hours to go before we kick it into high gear. And remember, HAVE FUN!!!!!

by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (426k points)
+4 votes
Go Bokke !!!
by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
+4 votes
We kick off at 8 am (est)  and the first hangout can be find here
by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
+4 votes
Remember you need to claim your price after the anouncement (allowcation)  on u tube: If you do not claim your price before the next Schedule it will be carried over to the next draw

 Here is the link
by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
+4 votes

One of our members received this message 

For this challenges profile doesn't officially qualify: 

Have any of you also get something similar? 

by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
+4 votes

Thank you Springbokke 

You rock !!!

We have sourced 1399 profiles since yesterday

The link should you like to  check it out

Good luck and keep sourcing  smiley

by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
+5 votes
Baie geluk Springbokke

Well done Springboks

We ended in the 9th place overall and fourth in the normalised scores

Ons spannetjie eindig negende in die algemene telling en 4 de in die genormaliseerde telling

Baie dankie aan die sestien lede wat bygedra het tot  die pragtige telling van 2823  

Julle het ons span goed ondersteun - dankie vir jul harde werk  

Ons boom lyk pragtig.!!
by Ronel Olivier G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
It was fun! Congratulations to everyone for doing so well!

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