Why does my adopted grandfather show up under DNA ancestors?

+5 votes
I don't have any genetic ties to either of my grandfathers. Both of them adopted my parents when they married my grandmothers. They should not be showing up under my DNA Ancestors list.
in WikiTree Tech by Mike Johnson G2G4 (4.2k points)
retagged by Darlene Athey-Hill
I added a couple more tags to try and bring your post to the attention of the proper people.
Thanks Darlene. I appreciate it.

2 Answers

+4 votes
If you click on the edit tab of each of your parents’ profiles, then look over to the right where parents, siblings and children are listed you will see in tiny letters a place to mark a parent as non-biological.
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (946k points)
They are shown as non-biological. My dad's adopted father is not showing now, however my mom's adopted father and his ancestors are showing up under X-Chromosomes.



Hi Mike,

I agree that there appears to be an issue. I'd suggest editing your post and adding the "bug" tag, so that the technical folks here will be alerted and can investigate.

I believe that most of the DNA reporting/propagation features here correctly take into account the non-biological status of a relationship. But it appears that the X-Chromosome section of the DNA Ancestors tab of a profile's DNA option does not correctly take into account non-biological relationships. For example, on your DNA Ancestors tab, while your grandfathers are both correctly identified as non-biological at the top of the page, and your paternal grandfather is correctly identified as non-biological in the Y Chromosome section, your maternal grandfather and his ancestors are incorrectly shown as potential X DNA contributors in the X Chromosome section, when instead your maternal grandfather should be identified as non-biological and his ancestors not listed there.

Similarly, I believe that the DNA Confirmation tab does not correctly take into account non-biological relationships. For example, on your DNA Confirmation tab, it suggests using DNA to confirm that your father (2) is son of your paternal grandfather (4), and also to confirm that your mother (3) is daughter of your maternal grandfather (6). Both of those relationships you've indicated (and other DNA features reflect) are marked as non-biological. I don't believe that either of your grandfathers nor any of their ancestors should appear on your DNA Ancestor Confirmation page, since they are not your DNA ancestors.

Here's a related earlier post. I don't see an existing associated DNA tracked bug.

Thanks Rick for the feedback and suggestion. I don't know how to add a "bug" tag to a comment.
Hi Mike,

Just below your name under your original post (at the top of this page), there should be a list of options for the post: edit, close, hide, answer, and comment. Choose the "edit" link which will allow you to edit your original post. In the "Surnames/Tags" box, add the word bug. I'd also suggest adding dna (with just a space between bug and dna). Then click on the "Save Changes" button to apply the tag edits to your original post. Then your post will show up in the G2G feeds of anyone following the bug tag and/or anyone following the dna tag. Let us know if you have any problems adding the tag to your original post.
Got it! Thanks again
I think it's OK for the non-biological ancestors to appear on the Ancestor Confirmation Aid -- you can still use other people's information to confirm the biological relationships between the people listed as your ancestors. There probably should be a note on the non-biological person on that page though.

The X does need to be fixed.
Thanks, Jamie. And your comments on the Ancestor Confirmation page make sense. I was mistakenly thinking of that page as being my DNA ancestors. But it's a DNA confirmation page for my ancestors, and as you've indicated they can be confirmed using other DNA matches. So just need some sort of indication and/or suppression of the "use <DNA> to confirm" verbiage relating to a non-biological parental relationship for an ancestor on that page.
We fixed the X chart so it stops when it hits a non-biological ancestor.

......yes  Thank you.

+2 votes
You can also use the adoption template for your parents profile.

by Kevin Conroy G2G6 Pilot (280k points)

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