Hi there 10th cousin Lucy, (sorry, first time I've ever checked that relationship finder thing for someone to whom I was responding). Believe me, I know the limitations and the erroneous information that comes with Ancestry family trees. That's why I made the move to Wikitree several years ago, trying to get away from that. I basically only use it for record images and testing some hypotheses for hints or clues every now and then.
This was something that came up while working on my mother's paternal line, where several generations back there are a set of parents that, while a nice assortment of exact dates and places for them have been known for decades, we have never been able to find the original sources for the info. While checking Ancestry today I decided to look at Trulines to see if any of the mismatches had been cleared up and happened to come across the brothers mentioned above, which got me to wondering about the possibilities. I had read that thread you mentioned and know it gets more limited beyond 6 generations but this is 7 generations. Would be nice if it wasn't too much of a stretch to show a lineage to make the bridge across the ill-sourced generations.
Grasping at straws here, starting helping my mother with genealogy in the late 1950s and we've been trying to "prove" those generations ever since. My daughters and grandsons aren't terribly interested in genealogy, so it's up to me to get everything onto WT before I can't. So the search for the Golden Ticket continues. Thanks!