Can anyone help identify when and where these photos were taken?

+5 votes

I found these photo in an old cigar box full of photos that my grandmother kept. I believe they're from the WWI era, but can't be sure.

in Photos by Kathryn Juhl G2G Rookie (280 points)
edited by SJ Baty
Hi Kathryn! Welcome to WikiTree and welcome to the G2G forum!  I can sort of see the thumbnails of the pics on the list of your recent contributions, but they seem to be privacy protected.

There might be some way to put them directly on a profile that is not privacy protected, then give us a link to that profile...i hope?  

Maybe someone who is more experienced with uploading images could chime in?


I'll see what I can do! Thanks for letting me know they don't show up well enough.

It should be fixed now that I linked them to my great grandmother instead of myself. I suspect the men in the photos are related to Mary (Koppen) Becker.


Yes, i see the pics now, on the profile of Mary Koppen Becker

Please put Mary's Wiki ID in the field between your question and the tag field.  That will really help.

I'm sure someone will know what the uniforms indicate.  Are they likely to be German uniforms?  If so, you might want to add a tag for germany or german_roots


That beach is interesting!  Someone bothered to put a metal handrail up the steps!

3 Answers

+3 votes
Great photos Kathryn.  I edited your post to include the images for better visibility to those who might help.

The top photo looks like a something from the front, either the German line with Germany, Belgium, or Holland.  I don't think that it will be possible to exactly identify where it comes from.  The third pic looks like from any studio, very possibly in England or France in their doughboy uniforms.  Are there any marks or studio marks on the actual photos?
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+3 votes

The uniform is very similar to this from the US Pinterest  And is that a crossed sabre badge  or rifles on the collar?

Also the design of the forage cap is like the US WW1 model

by Helen Ford G2G6 Pilot (494k points)
edited by Helen Ford
+3 votes
The uniform s are American soldiers,  About 1916. To 1925. They are privates,  been in a short time. Look on the collar you see a US Infantry brass, just out of training as no unit patch of assignments.  The hill climb is for pleasure as no sign of military equipment can be seen or on guard for possibly of attacking or defending so not oversees. The civilian Hats are kind worn in NE US and around Minnesota.  I would say from my time in the Army the photos are1919.  I am also a collector of WW l. And WW ll equipment. However they are wearing mounted military trousers. Showing training as mounted Infantry .
by Alfred Smith G2G6 Mach 1 (17.1k points)
edited by Alfred Smith

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