Early entries (1400-1500)

+2 votes
In the Notes at Abson-33, (John Abson b.1509), I have left information about his parents. I am not qualified to add their profiles and would appreciate if a qualified person could do so.
WikiTree profile: John Abson
in WikiTree Help by Anthony Broscomb G2G2 (2.6k points)

2 Answers

+12 votes
Can you give us a source for this information? We can't create unsourced profiles.

ETA: The source should not be a FamilySearch Tree.
by Lois Tilton G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
+6 votes

Hi Anthony, I see that you've created numerous profiles on down the line, none of them having any primary or reliable sources.  Pre-1700 profiles are not allowed to be created without citing a reliable source.  You agreed to this as a condition for receiving pre-1700 certification.  Please review Wikitree's pre-1700 profile information.

Please go back into any profiles that are pre-1700 that you have created that are lacking reliable sources and work on adding them.  If you would like information added on John's parents, then (as Lois said) you need to provide reliable sources for them as well (preferably with a link to the source).

by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (572k points)
I have discussed this line with Anthony. I was able to find at least one reliable source for Abson-33's son Lionel. I believe it will be possible to find them for the later profiles.

Perhaps during the upcoming Source-a-Thon, someone might be able to dig up documentation on John and his parents.
Lois, thanks for locating a reliable source for Lionel.  My primary concern is that he (and others) are aware that they must not add a pre-1700 profile unless/until they have at least one reliable source.  We have to stop the addition of pre-1700 profiles based solely on family trees...
I have seen what seems to be an increasing number of profiles based on FS trees. Perhaps people ought not to be encouraged to use them to create post-1700 profiles.

I don't think Wikitree 'encourages' them, but neither does it discourage them for post-1700.  Many of us would prefer that all profiles, regardless of timeframe, have a primary source (i.e. not just a link to a tree) . . .

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