unsoursed profiles

+4 votes
I added a bunch of profiles that I copied from a printed family tree on my phone. Now I am back I have started to add the sourses. Is there a way to list any of my profiles that are unsourced so I can make sure I have not missed any? thanks
in WikiTree Help by Andy Lear G2G6 Mach 1 (12.8k points)

4 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Yes. Go to the menu. Find > Unsourced Profiles. Those are the profiles marked as unsourced with you as the profile manager.

If they are not marked, you can use Wikitree+ to search for parts of the text you entered or was entered automatically like 'sources will be added by'.

If that all does not work for you, then you can view your contributions history and see the 'created' ones.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (335k points)
selected by Andy Lear
+4 votes
Look under "FIND"

There is a link to "Unsourced Profiles"  Scroll down a bit and there should be a link to the unsourced profiles in your watchlist
by Lois Tilton G2G6 Pilot (179k points)
+4 votes

Hi, Andy. Do you mean is there a way to categorize the unsourced profiles. Yes, there are a couple of ways. First, you can add {{Unsourced}} above == Biography == on the profile, save. Then go to categories by being in Edit mode, click the second speed box in from right above the big bio box and then start typing, for example, 'unsourced Warwickshire' and it will show you the closest category which you can then select and save. That places the profile in a unsourced Warwickshire category anyone can access and various groups in WikiTree use to find profiles that need attention. You can keep a list just for yourself anywhere you like on your own profile.

In looking at some of the profiles you are working on, please let me suggest that you add locations even if you are not certain of them. This helps both you and everyone else in WikiTree as we never know who else might be working on the same or a related family. For example, on the profile of Mary Cowper there were no indications of location. We know from the christening that she was christened in Tanworth, Warwickshire, England which I have added to the profile. This is likely her place of birth or a village close to it. You could mark it Uncertain if you liked. Then, go into Edit mode and click the category speed button and start typing in Tanworth Warwickshire and you'll find that category already exists so select it. She's now in the category for Tanworth (go to the very bottom of the profile to see Categories). Adding people to categories helps you and others find family members, etc., through another avenue.

by T Stanton G2G6 Pilot (503k points)
Even adding a country or continent is helpful. Same with dates, rather than blank, guess based on avg lifespan and family members, and add {{Estimated Date}} to the top of the profile
So you would put {{Unsourced|Warwickshire}} on her profile.
+3 votes
Go to your Watchlist.  There are a bunch of links you can click, one of them being 'Unsourced'.  (If you can't remember how to get to your Watchlist, it's on dropdown menu 'My WikiTree' and scroll down.)
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
yes fond it but there are quite a lot of profiles on my watchlist that are not managed by me and it seems that you can only select one thing at a time so if I select unsourced then I can not see from the results which ones are managed by me and this seems to be the case for 'show' and 'unsourced profiles' as well
When you are at that page, look at the top right and in tiny text is a link to click: Limit to Watchlist.  See if that helps.
well i dont see how it would as many of the things on my watchlist are not managed by me
Have you tried it? :)

OK try this: Go top right, tiny text Wikitree+/Navigate.  Click on Wikitree+ Search.  Scroll down until you come to Search on the left, then down to Text Search and put in Unsourced Profiles Lear-1133.  Then click Get Profiles.

There was no 'limit to watchlist' because that is how it was set. There was a 'show all' and when i click that then i can see the limit to watchlist which is what i was looking at in the first place.

I have tried the Unsourced Profiles Lear-1133 and bizarely it says

Found: 1 profiles for "Unsourced Profiles Lear-1133".

the one it found was Lear-1189 who i think will be quite hard to sourse since I think she died at birth. I will try and find a source for her though and see if it moved onto the next one on the list (there are about 8 left I think)
actually i found a sourse for lilly lear and put it in but the Wikitree+ keeps showing her. I think someone said that it only updates once a week or something ?
Yes, just once a week.

Thank you. I checked my WikiTree+_ list and found 257 and most of them have no locations listed. I've added locations for about 2 dozen in an hour (exluding my hour lunch break). :)

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