Prophet Muhammad my relative

+3 votes

Prophet Muhammad of Islam (PBUH) is my 34th great uncle's fourth great uncle's wife's father's wife's father. If you have royal ancestors from Spain and the Byzantine Empire you are likely the Prophet Muhammad's relative. No bad for a WASP. 

Has anyone else tried. 

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) claimed a relationship.

You never can tell who you are related to when you investigate your aristocratic ancestry. This was the man who has had more influence on Western and world history than any other. 

I also discovered;

'Abd ar-Rahmân III al-Nasir ibn Muhammad, Emir of Córdoba is my 28th great grandfather's wife's first cousin twice removed.(Umyadd Khalifa)

And kinship with four out of five early Muslim Khalifas. We know that Muslims often took Christian wives and allowed them religious tolerance unlike the Church did. This is maintained in a treaty letter from Muhammad to the monks of Sinai to the Eastern Roman Empire.

In another source i found descent from King David of Israel. 

in The Tree House by Anonymous Whiting G2G6 Mach 1 (10.1k points)

according to Geni for me

"Prophet Muhammad of Islam (PBUH) is your second cousin four times removed's husband's first cousin's wife's sister's husband's grandfather's ex-partner's granddaughter's husband's first cousin's husband's second great granddaughter's husband's sister's ex-husband's fifth great grandfather." Geni does note that there are 14  inconsistencies. in this line.  But this is a website that has 

as a daughter of

He died in 1779, and she was born in 1785, 

I do know that there are different managers for profiles, but it does not inspire confidence. 

I started to check the steps here for me on wikitree, the first 12 steps here  are sourced, only 26 more to go. According to Geni, this line goes through India. One of these steps on  Geni is

although I have not got that far as yet. 

Geni did note that I am only related by in law relationships.

I might be curious enough to do more research, but there are only so many hours a day, and I am still looking for DNA relatives

5 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

Sadly, when I first started researching my family line I believed the connections made  by others, without critical scrutiny.  I quickly regretted this approach.  For example:   I became suspicious of the "established" relationship of two sisters,  only after I told my mother of the  "decline" in the family line.    Sarah Polk  (wife of president James Polk)

  and "proposed sister"    Elizabeth  (the eldest female in this photo).


It didn't take a lot of research to show the two women weren't related.

Bottom line,  do a critical review of EACH generation.

Hopefully,  you have better luck than I did!!!

by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (489k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
+5 votes
I don't know if anyone has tried here, because there is a focus on good sourcing. It is difficult to go back that far without reliable sources for the genealogy. If someone does have reliable sources, then they are free to add those lineages here.
by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (542k points)

What I have seen of Islamic sources is they are very comprehensive. They did not experience a Dark Age because they inherited Byzantine and Persian administrative systems, which they much improved. It was also part of their culture to use father's and mothers names/tribal names as surnames having often a developed scientific and welfare systems for the time. Recording history was their expertise.

This is all started when I started recording Rollo, Charlemagne the Great, and then I came to John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk, premiere Duke in England who has royal Spanish ancestors.

+2 votes
I am a 3rd cousin and more than 40 times removed from the Prophet Muhammad. He descends from one twin and I descend from the other twin brother.
by Vicky Moon G2G6 Mach 1 (12.4k points)
+2 votes

Same here. Just found out. Extraordinary - but it figures.

His 2xggm Atika is my 43xggm, although according to the magic, there are 753 different paths found between her and yours truly.

by Frances Piercy-Reins G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
+2 votes

There are a few other religious figures on Wikitree, including Baha'u'llah (1817-1892) and The Mahdi! Confucius will be too far back in time to be eligible to be included in Wikitree.

by Jessica Key G2G6 Pilot (330k points)

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