Ladies and Gentlemen:
Greetings. I am a brand-new member, and this is the first time I've ever done anything like this. So I'm hoping I'm following all relevant protocols.
I've joined WikiTree for a couple of reasons.
1] To build my own family tree
2] I am an MA (history) student and my thesis is on an obscure First World War memorial in a building that was once the Milwaukee Normal School. The memorial lists ten alumni of the school who lost their lives in the Great War.
I'm interested in both in the lives of the veterans, and the memorial itself (the latter of which is particularly shrouded in mystery).
I'd be interested to know of any living descendants of the ten guys. The asterisk denotes that they are also commemorated on the war memorial in the Memorial Union, University of Wisconsin - Madison. They are:
1. *Morgan MacDonald Anderson
2. *Charles Walker Baldwin (no relation - I don't think!). His father was mayor of West Allis.
3. *Carl Herman Berger (member of the Polar Bears, buried in Archangel, Russia)
4. Guy Jacob Drews (Manitowoc)
5. Alfred Israel (worked in journalism I believe)
6. Henry Kleinhesselink
7. Mark Charles Malone
8. *Kenneth LaValle McHugh
9. *John Gordon Mitchell
10. Preston Eddy Tupper, aviator, killed on the penultimate day of the war. Next of kin listed as Claude A. Tupper of Oak Park, Illinois, appears in the 1920 census. Tupper is also commemorated in the Rockefeller Chapel, University of Chicago.
If any of the above rings any bells with anyone, I'd love to hear from you!
Best regards