Caryl Ruckert is a Wonderful WikiTreer

+9 votes

Thank you for merging the two and being decent with my mistake!!! I’m trying to learn this whole thing. Also thank you for having that missing piece I needed to really expand this section of my out tree!!!!

WikiTree profile: Caryl Ruckert
in Appreciation by Dustin Walsh G2G Crew (400 points)
Thank you Cousin Dustin.  I am very interested in collaborating with you on the Ungewitter/Donner family.  Let me know if I can help.
Definitely!!! I will continue to fill in all the little blanks I have and will reach out if I have any questions. Please also feel free to contact me at any time. Something you might be interested in learning is my Grandfather was the care taker of the Donner family bible that made the trek across the country on that fateful trip. It has a long family history section and I plan on visiting my grandmother when risk has lessened and I feel safe to visit her.
What?!? Donner Family Bible.  Oh my goodness.  I would love to see images if possible.  My Showalter family in Sonoma County will be excited to hear this news too.  Thanks Cuz!  Wikitree brings good things to life.  :)

Yes it is a treasure that when I’ve looked thru in the past I can see why it was protected and successfully made it thru the winter. You just do not see “family” bibles like this. The family section is to say the least amazing, seeing all of these names that have owned the Bible and then realizing the history and care that it has seen to make it this far. Fun fact, I am the last official name entered into the Bible before new sheets were added to accommodate my siblings and the rest of our cousins were added to the family history. name entered into the Bible before new sheets were added to accommodate my siblings and the rest of our cousins. 

So cool Dustin.  We have one family heirloom that also made it from IL to CA with the Donners.  It is a sterling silver condiment stand/holder with all the glass bottles entact.  It was given to my great grandmother (Margaret) by her mother Mary Donner.  It passed to my Grandpa Cecil and then to my mom.  I have always wanted to get it examined.
That is amazing, so many of the items have ended up in museums or just out right destroyed. It is really wonderful to find someone that shares ancestors and is excited about history. History is the one thing that changes only by the perspective of the one who wrote it best.
I am blessed that you joined wikitree and found me.  There are not many Ungewitter descendants here. I think I created all the Ungewitter profiles on wikitree.  

I am glad that our paths crossed here.  My mother remembers your grandfather Glenn and your great grandfather Dutch quite well.  They were close family when she was growing up in Sonoma Co.  "Uncle Dutch" played a big part in my Grandpa's life since his father died at such a young age.  He was a second father to my Grandpa.   Our family history is amazing and I am so proud of our ancestors.
Wow, what an exicting read this thread has turned out to be!
Thanks SJ, it has been great to dive into this part of my family. I am pushing off my fathers side as they are not apart Of my life for the last 30 years and while I know history is important, this side even the living members are just facts on a sheet to me. But my mothers side I feel such a connection because it’s what I was raised around.

1 Answer

+7 votes
Caryl is one of the best Wikitreers I know!  She is kind, patient, and she is a survivor!  I'm so glad to have gottent to know her these past years.  Thank you Dustin for recognizing Caryl!
by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

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