William Bligh 24 degrees.
William Bligh RN Bligh-45; his wife, Elizabeth (Betham) Bligh Betham-7, 15th cousins four times removed, we are both descendants of Robert (Bruce) de Brus Bruce-517.
Fletcher Christian 22 degrees, 14th cousins three times removed, descendants of William VIII Gascoigne Gascoigne-24.
Peter Heywood 24 degrees.
Thomas Jamison 25 degrees.
George Johnston 24 degrees.
Thomas Laycock 20 degrees.
John Macarthur 24 degrees.
D'Arcy Wentworth 26 degrees, 12th cousins five times removed, descendants of John Wentworth Wentworth-11.
Horatio Nelson 20 degrees, 11th cousins five times removed, descendants of Roger Wentworth Wentworth-8.
Elsie Gorman 28 degrees, 17th cousins once removed, descendants of John Savage III Savage-23.