Searching for a possable relative

+1 vote
Searching for a possible relative his name is Reagan Lytle born in Kentucky gosh any help would be great For what I have heard he passed away in 2010, but may have been related to my Grand Mother Esther Lytle ,Thanks much
in Genealogy Help by Mary Jurgens G2G1 (1.4k points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
Here is an article, is this your person?
by Lauren Conte G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
selected by Matthew Wilson
    Name: Reagan S. Lytle
    [Reagan S. N/A] 
    Gender: Male
    Race: White
    Age: 54
    Marital status: Never Married (Single)
    Birth Date: 31 Jul 1955
    Birth Place: Gary, Indiana
    Death Date: 8 May 2010
    Death Place: Hammond, Lake, Indiana, USA
    Father: John Lytle
    Mother: Anita Lytle
    Thank you so very much for sending me these new's paper clipping's, He is one of my relatives and it is so amazing to have such beautiful help. Thank you again
    You're very welcome, best wishes!  :-)
    +1 vote

    This looks like it might be he:

    FamilySearch shows an obituary was published in the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer, but I can't find it online. It shows two daughters, a son, four brothers, and a mother.

    Edit: Apparently, Mr. Lytle was murdered in Illinois:

    by Matthew Wilson G2G6 Mach 1 (18.9k points)
    Darn the Luck I can't access that page , would have been nice to have read it, but Thank You so much for your help The one about the Police report and photo's of the 2 people who killed him , so sad
    Hi Matthew I finally found my way thru the maze on the Police Report. But you say that his Obituary is not on line, is there any way I can read it for free as I am sure you all know by know that I have no means to buy into a site, Thank you again for all of your help. I look forward to hearing from you.

    I'm sorry, like I said, I couldn't find it online, so I have no idea how you could read it for free. I would contact the Messenger-Inquirer and see if they have a way to help you.

    Thank you so much all I can do now on this end is pray for them to help' if not I understand and I thank you again, Is there any way that you can search for a Rose Budd Lytle born in the early 1970's she was a baby . And if there could be any connection between a Meagan Lytle and Cathrine Lytle Thanks much, and thank you for all the help you give me
    I don't have any special resources that you don't have access to. Especially not for someone born in the early 70s. Your searching would be as good as mine.

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