My grandmother's profile has vanished

+7 votes

My grandmother's profile has completely disappeared. I can find no record of it anyway. She does not appear in a search, the profile hasn't been merged with another one, and it doesn't look like I made any edits.

Unfortunately I don't know what the Wikitree ID is, and I can't remember who was the profile manager. 

  • Why would this happen?
  • Can the profile be recovered, or should I just create a new one?

Her name at birth was Muriel Densham (1901). This is her father:

Thank you.

in WikiTree Help by Guy Proctor-Beauchamp G2G Crew (340 points)
You might try sending a private message to the profile manager of her husband. Your grandmother is named in his profile, but there is no link for her.
Good call, I'll try that.
It appears that her mother's profile (which was created by a now-closed WikiTree account) is an orphan.

If a profile manager is unresponsive, their account may be closed. If that happens, open profiles for which they are the sole manager will be orphaned, and privacy-protected profiles for which they are the sole manager will likely be deleted.

If that's what happened, it's possible that your grandmother's profile was managed by the same PM and was privacy-protected. If so, your grandmother's profile may have been deleted.
That's a good explanation, but worrying if we can lose profiles like that.

It sounds like the best plan is to create a new profile. And I'll adopt her mother's profile while I'm at it.

Thank you for your help.
I’d do as Lois suggested. But yes, I’d also suggest adopting any orphan profiles of your close relatives in which you have interest. Additionally, I’d suggest requesting to be added to the Trusted List of any close relatives in which you have interest.

Thank you for your valuable comments. This is the response from the Wikitree team:

The profile could only have been deleted if there was no one else on the trusted list. Were you on it? If so, we have a glitch we need to look into. Otherwise, you'll have to recreate the profile.

I probably wasn't on the trusted list. I now realise it's quite important! 

But now you have the official go-ahead to create a new one

2 Answers

+6 votes
Before creating a new profile for her, it would be best to contact info - at - and explain the situation.
by Lois Tilton G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
+8 votes
WikiTree's policy of deleting private profiles when the Profile Manager's account is closed, is shortsighted at best.

WikiTree should first check to see if the profiles are connected to any other active relatives before deleting.
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)

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