Pedigree Chart

+3 votes
I came across the Pedigree Chart for my grandmother, Irene Laura Fontaine.  However, now I can't locate this chart to finish filling it in.  The upper left corner says "Pedigree Chart" and under that line it says "This is pedigree chart no. ____"  Can you advise as to how I can locate this chart once again?
WikiTree profile: Irene Fontaine
in Genealogy Help by Catherine Fontaine G2G Rookie (280 points)
It looks like the ones produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  They are on paper, so offline.
Thanks for your answer.  However, I accessed it thru her WikiTree profile.  How did I do this?

Unless someone uploaded a scan of it?

If you look at the tab "Family Tree and Tools" you will see a pedigree chart, but the one where you said "This is pedigree chart no. ___" is something different altogether and not held on this site.

I've even looked on FamilySearch, where her pedigree seems well filled in - and she is named Laura Irene, rather than Irene Laura.
I you have a desktop genealogy program, RootsMagic being only one of many examples, you can readily generate a pedigree chart such as the one you mention, with 4, 5 (most common format), or 6 generations. This is a standard report in any genealogy program. You also usually Generate “cascading” pedigree charts. In this case you specify the number of generations (frequently there is no limit) and the software will generate as many charts as needed, and they will all be cross linked. If a person or a couple appears on more than one chart that is usually noted as well.

1 Answer

+3 votes

Can’t answer the pedigree question, but has free records. Here is one

"Ontario Births and Baptisms, 1779-1899", database, FamilySearch( : 13 February 2020), Laura Irene Winnicott, 1900.

by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)

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