Need help with transcribing/translating old german document

+12 votes

I am having difficulty with transcribing this marriage record between Jacob Mürdter and Maria Kuhen? Dated 19 Aug 1732. Can someone help transcribe it please. I am specifically interested in the correct maiden name of A. Maria.

WikiTree profile: Anna Maria Bernhard
in Genealogy Help by Leon Bezuidenhout G2G6 Mach 2 (24.5k points)
edited by Leon Bezuidenhout

2 Answers

+15 votes
Jacob Mürtder, Müller, mit A. Maria, Jacob Kuhnen, weyl. Bautermanns zu Gotingen?....ehl. Tocher. The name is Kuhn. In this case the "en" ending is possessive. So it reads" Jacob Mürtder, miller, with A. Maria, legitimate daughter of Jacob Kuhn, deceased builder from Gotingen (the phrase after that refers in some way to the village or district of Gotingen).
by Daniel Bly G2G6 Mach 9 (90.4k points)
Thank you very much
I would suggest Mürder rather than Mürtder - what appears to be a "t" I think is actually a cross or similar mark above the name, same as above the Maria in the bride's name (perhaps a mark made when this record was indexed in the Familienbuch). Also, I think Jacob Kuhn's occupation was "Bauerman", i.e., farmer (which agrees with what the Familienbuch says). Finally, the fact that he is called "weyl." and the daughter is "nachgelaßene" means that Jacob Kuhn is already dead.
Thank you for noticing the little cross. It certainly looked like a 'T' to me!  I did indicate that Jacob Kuhn was deceased.
+16 votes
In Germany there exist no village or district Gotingen; if it exits then it will be only a "Weiler" (very small village).

I read "Gökingen" as village and that could be "Göggingen" in Baden-Württemberg.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Indeed it is Göggingen as written in the Familienbuch of the couple. Thank you very much.

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