Validation of Source-Richardson, Douglas. Royal Ancestry: A Study In Colonial And Medieval Families

+6 votes
Can someone validate that Douglas Richardson has the mother's name as Wakelyn?

I have never seen a source that provides this information, all the US Presidents sources indicate that her mother was Phillis...that is it.
WikiTree profile: Sarah Carter
in Genealogy Help by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (897k points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

The identification of Phillis _____ as being Phillis Wakelyn, one of the 4 daughters of Alban Wakelyn named in his will in 1602, is a guess based on onomastics.  Gabriel Ludlow was named as a kinsman in the will of George Willoughby, son of Albinus Willoughby.  

Essentially, the identification is no stronger than the wife of Gabriel Ludlow was named Phillis, Alban Wakelyn had a daughter named Phillis, and someone decided they might be the same?

Phillis needs her LNAB changed to Unknown.

The Ancestry of Benjamin Harrison: President of the United States of America ...

by Joe Cochoit G2G6 Pilot (267k points)
selected by Robin Lee
While the daughter is part of the Magna Carta project, the US Presidents project has added project management to the mother, Phillis, and has corrected the LNAB.
+9 votes

Richardson, Douglas. Royal Ancestry: A Study In Colonial And Medieval Families, in 5 vols. (Salt Lake City, Utah, 2013), Vol. III. page 667 says that Gabriel's wife and Sarah's mother was Phyllis _______. Her last name is not given or discussed.

by Chase Ashley G2G6 Pilot (326k points)

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