Jan Hendrickszen & Annetie Bastiaens baptism record discrepancies

+1 vote
The baptism record for Jan Hendrickszen Brevoort and Annatie Bastiaans Eillsen's second child, Hendrick Janse Brevoort, on December 17, 1670 lists the mother of the child as 'Jannetie Jans'.  Does anyone know if this was an error on the baptism record?

The witnesses for this baptism were Gysbert van Loenen (aka Gysbert Elbertszen Uytenbogaert) and Marritie Hendricks.  I know that Marritie Hendricks was the sister of Jan Hendrickszen Brevoort, so it does appear to be the correct father, but why is the mother's name different?

Also, why is Annetie Bastiaens listed as both the mother and the witness for their 4th child, Elias on June 21, 1676?  Was it common for a mother to also serve as a witness for her own child's baptism, or is it possible that her mother was the witness and also had the same name?
WikiTree profile: Jan Hendrickszen Brevoort
in Genealogy Help by Jennifer Corbilla G2G1 (1.9k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
On Jannetje Jans:

Jannetje is a female version of Jan. Jans is (most probably) a patronymic: it uses the first name of the father, add the 's to it which means 'of'. So this is Jannetje, child of Jan.

Your other two questions need people more familiar with these types of records.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (335k points)
Hi Michel,

Thank you for your answer.  The problem is the wife of Jan Hendrickszen and the mother of the child is Annetie Bastiaens.  The question is why was "Jannetje Jans" listed as the mother on the baptism record since it is a completely different name than what the child's mother should be.  

Annatie's father's name is Bastiaen, so the mother's patronymic name is already Annatie Bastiaans.

I understand. There are some other things with this profile.

1. Guilderland is unknown in the Netherlands

2. There are only sources on New York church records (baptisms), while the birth location is stated as the Netherlands.

3. There is a Bredevoort in Gelderland. The baptisms from that period are listed in the Archive's listing: https://www.genealogiedomein.nl/archief-achterhoek-en-liemers/bredevoort-digitale-genealogische-brongegevens/doopboek-1/1494-bredevoort-doopboek-1638-1650/file

4. Hendrick Janszen Van Brevoort

Said to be born in Brevoort, but that is only known in America/New Netherlands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brevoort

5. The link to the PDF describing the connections does not work anymore.

Makes me think that some assumptions were made too fast and you are very right in doubting these data are correct.

But as said, this is not the time period I am familiar enough with.

Thank you Michel!  These are all very interesting discrepancies you have pointed out. I understand you have stated you are not very familiar with this time period, so hopefully someone else can help sort this out!
It would make sense a bit if Guilderland is meant to be Gelderland... but then the whole distance-to description makes no sense.

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