Has anyone written a genealogical request letter to a parish in Poland?

+1 vote
Hi, I messaged a Polish woman who indexed some church records in Poland for more information. She said to contact the parish. I emailed, no answer. So I will now do a snail mail letter. FamilySearch has a guide: https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Poland_Letter_Writing_Guide#How_To_Write_a_Letter_in_Polish

Has anyone written a letter asking for information from a Polish parish before? Does the guide at the link seem OK? Did you receive the answers to your questions or not?

Thank you.
in Genealogy Help by Lincoln Lowery G2G6 Mach 7 (71.9k points)
edited by Lincoln Lowery

2 Answers

+2 votes
Hi Lincoln,

Yes, I have and had the same result as you, unfortunately. The guide and the link seemed correct. This was about a year ago.

by Joan Szymczak G2G6 Mach 1 (11.9k points)
Hi Joan,

Thank you for your comment -

So you wrote a letter and received a reply, with answers to your questions?

P.S. - In my case, it is a small parish, if that matters, and I don't want to screw it up.
No. No response at all. I must have misread your comment or question the first time. I wasn't able to follow up and try again due to health issues. 
Thank you. Best of luck. I'm sure they will eventually get back to you.
Joan Szymczak 

Thank you Joan.
+2 votes
I also wrote to a small church in Poland, with no reply.  I even followed up. (Snail mail) That was over a year ago.  My thought was my family was Lutheran and most of the Catholic Churches took over. The sad thing is I even went to the church in person a couple of years ago, but no one was there.  Small church, rural community.
by Sherry Felix G2G1 (1.2k points)
Thank you Sherry.

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