Same person? phillips profiles

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I had sent a message to the profile manager which was wikiadmin , asking if phillips-597 was the same person for my dad (living)phillips-34102 to see if I needed to merge them. Now I'm the profile manager of the unknown phillips-597 and I am still unsure of what needs to be done about the profile.
WikiTree profile: Tommy Phillips
in Genealogy Help by Tiffany Knight G2G4 (4.7k points)

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I haven't seen a profile like Phillips-597 that doesn't show 'who' created it.  Since there is no sourcing, dates, locations, and you are PM on it, you can merge Phillips-34102 into Phillips-597, which would then become the new Wikitree ID for your father's profile.

Scroll to the bottom of the Phillips-34102 (higher seq profile), select the 'Initiate a merge', in the ID2 box, enter the Phillips-597, then select Merge.  You should see the Merge page with side by side comparison, with any information on your father's Phillips-34102 profile checked and the biography should be the same since there is nothing in Phillips-597. Then at the bottom, select the Confirm Merge.  You will then see the Phillips-597 profile.  

If you go to Phillips-34102 (your father's old profile ID), it is redirected and will show the merged Phillips-597 profile.

Hope this helps.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (829k points)
selected by Tiffany Knight

The change log seems to be saying that it was self created :

Creation of Profile

Here is the information entered by Phillips-597 when the profile Phillips-597 was created.

Changes made by Phillips-597 at 11:17, 19 October 2010.


Even if that's not the case, whoever did create the profile is not a member (if they ever were a confirmed member).

Thank you
Glad you got it merged Tiffany.

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