I haven't seen a profile like Phillips-597 that doesn't show 'who' created it. Since there is no sourcing, dates, locations, and you are PM on it, you can merge Phillips-34102 into Phillips-597, which would then become the new Wikitree ID for your father's profile.
Scroll to the bottom of the Phillips-34102 (higher seq profile), select the 'Initiate a merge', in the ID2 box, enter the Phillips-597, then select Merge. You should see the Merge page with side by side comparison, with any information on your father's Phillips-34102 profile checked and the biography should be the same since there is nothing in Phillips-597. Then at the bottom, select the Confirm Merge. You will then see the Phillips-597 profile.
If you go to Phillips-34102 (your father's old profile ID), it is redirected and will show the merged Phillips-597 profile.
Hope this helps.