Need help finding Swedish birth records – 1863-1865

+2 votes
Three young ladies claim to have been born in Sweden. Were they? They were daughters of Bertha and Levin or Leopold Rosenzweig, both of whom were born in Poland.

They are:

Ida Rosenzweig, DOB 13 March 1863. Place of birth in Sweden is not specified.  Rosenzweig-123

 Miriam (sometimes Mary) Rosenzweig, DOB 5 Dec 1863. Place of birth: Malmö, Malmö, Skåne. Rosenzweig-121

 Helena Teresa (or just Teresa) Rosenzweig, DOB 4 Jul 1865. Place of birth: Stockholm. Rosenzweig-129

All three immigrated to the USA in 1871 with their mother, brother Harris Rosenzweig, also born in Sweden about 1867, but who evidently perished in the USA, and sister Hannah (born in England).
WikiTree profile: Ida Landesman
in Genealogy Help by Dana Johnson G2G6 Mach 3 (33.4k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
I can not find any birth notices for the children but I have found the family in several household books 1865-1866 and I will add the images to the profile Rosenzweig-120 later on. Sometimes the family are listed as belonging to the catholic congregation and sometimes to the mosaic/jewish.

Even though the birth dates are not consistent, the birth years does not seem to change.

These two listed as fosterchildren in one book and as brother and brother-in-law in another, not sure what is correct;

Herman Isak or Isak Hirsch, b. 1853-03-13

Isak or Isak Abilitzky, b. 1854-07-28 or 1854-08-10
by Maggie Andersson G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
selected by Steven Beckler
+3 votes
by Steven Beckler G2G6 Mach 3 (30.1k points)
Steven, I am not able to see listings. Thank you for your trouble anyway.
The record really doesn't provide any more information than what you already have. It does look like it says something about Poland in one of the columns.  I can sen you a screen shot of the page if you send me your email address.   I don't want to put it on wiki due to possible copyright considerations.

The family arrived 10Jul1871 on the ship ALGERIA to NY (from Liverpool, England & Queenstown,Ireland)
@ Steven -- you can get a link for sharing.  (Apologies I don't know how to.)

Here is the image.

This is a record from the "Mosaiska församling" in Stockholm - i.e., the "Mosaic" or Jewish community there. The marginal note states that they belonged to the "Mosaiska församling" or Jewish community in Tomerzow (Tomcrzow?) in Poland. The father's occupation was "handlander" or trader. A number of the other "handlander" in this community were also from Poland. Note that the date of this record (1865) is just after the January Uprising against Russian rule in Poland, which ended with Russian repressive measures, so these may well be refugees from that.

She was the only child with that surname listed.  There was also another Passport Application for Leopold dated 06Jun1910.  It says he was born 02Dec1836 and he is now 6' 0" tall, not the 5'4" that he was on the 1879 application.  I am attaching "shared" links to the records.  Hopefully they will work for you.

Birth Record

Ships Passenger List

Passport Application for 1910

Books from Mosaiska in Stockholm are available for free browsing, at Riksarkivet, here. Not indexed by person.

Malmö doesn't seem to have records before 1876.

Ah. Here we are. The record for Helena Theresa is from the excerpts sent to the Central Bureau of Statistics. It's just the same record, but for free.

I have also learned that Jews in Malmö in the 1860s may have been affiliated in Copenhagen.

Here is their household record from Södermalm (in Stockholm) in 1865. I uploaded it to Ida's page. The family is listed together with Levin's brother Isak Hirsch and Bertha's brother Isak Abilitzky.

Sweden's National Archives (free with registered login) has a lot of material available regarding the Mosaic / Mosaiska community. I notice that Levin, Bertha, and Helena Theresia Rosenzweig are included in a special book for non-citizen residents of Mosaiska. A number of Abelitzkis -- Markus, Henrietta, Bertha (married Rosenzweig), Lina, Moritz, Isaac -- are listed there too.

Steve, you kicked off this amazing thread of responses and I thank you enormously.

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