How are Jonathan webb 1675-1744 and William Riley Webb 1818-1884 connect they are dna match

+1 vote
in Genealogy Help by Cheryl Harvey G2G Crew (310 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
For Jonathan Webb 1675-1744 mentioned in this query, his profile is in WT; his list of descendants does not include William Riley Webb

There is no William Riley Webb 1818 - 1884 indexed on WT; there is a William Riley Webb born about 1818 and died 1874 of Jackson, Tennessee; he has no ancestors on his profile

Insofar as the contents of WT and its profiles it does not appear that the two men connect

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer

For those who are curious how this question might arise - at FamilyTreeDNAs Webb Family study, a descendant of Jonathan Webb and a descendant of William Riley Webb are genetic distance 4 apart from each other on a Y-37 STR test. The project administrator has grouped both of them under the heading of Jonathan Webb; however, the Webb Project has no information on how they might be related. A genetic distance of 4 suggests that the common ancestor of these two men (and of the Jonathan Webb group as a whole) may have been somewhat before the genealogical time frame (that is, late medieval rather than early modern).

by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
selected by Cheryl Harvey

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