What happens to unmerged matches when one profile is merged into another?

+1 vote
When there are lots of matches for a profile, I ask to merge my profile into the lowest numbered correct profile and mark all the others as unmerged matches.  Do those matches survive the merger or are they lost?  Second part: what if my profile is the lowest number?  Will unmatched merges survive a merger with another higher number profile?
in Genealogy Help by Vic Watt G2G6 Pilot (370k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Unmerged matchs survive almost anything. They should be merged, just as the primary profile was. Notice Brewster-81, he is listed as the father of two Wrestling Brewsters. They need merged, but haven't yet been.  Notice, too, the number of people who have contributed (managers) to this profile. No one 'owns' the profile, but all have contributed and all of their contributions (except these Wrestlings) have been merged together.

The lowest numerical profile is the one that survives. It may be improved by the merge, gain information, but the lowest number is goal for each merge, by definition.


Feb 2013, these extra children have been merged.  THB
by Tom Bredehoft G2G6 Pilot (215k points)
edited by Tom Bredehoft
I love answers that where possible - give examples - thank you Tom
0 votes
I am under the impression that when a profile is merged into another one, all proposed merges involving the former are lost.
by Living Pictet G2G6 Mach 3 (33.9k points)
Jacques, Since I asked this question, information I have received and experience has shown me that Proposed Merges survive.  The problem is that the new PMs won't have notice of them by email and must be sure to look at the profile.
My experience shows that it is not as systematic as it might be.

Just like forcing the "merging into the lowest number" when the last name is identical. It is not always implemented, even when the name contains only one word.

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