Why is there a PPP for Anne (Rice) Gary, but no PPP for her husband?

+4 votes

I'm not sure why the profile for Anne Rice is Project Protected, but her husband's profile is not.  There are still more children to be added, and I created a profile for daughter Rebecca.  No problem connecting her to her father's profile, but can't connect her to mother Anne Rice because of the PPP.  Anyway, could someone attach Rebecca's profile as Anne's daughter? https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Geary-1148  

WikiTree profile: Anne Gary
in Genealogy Help by Kenneth Kinman G2G6 Pilot (118k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
The biography on that profile states there are discrepancies about who her parents are.

Edited - discrepancy is parents, not spouse.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (828k points)
selected by Stephanie Ward
You added a marriage source from ancestry.  Does it state who her parents were?
I thought about making the connection to this daughter, but I am hoping that Kenneth will create a biography for Rebecca, with footnotes to sources for the information, to give some credibility to her profile (so I could explain a decision to connect her to the mother).
Hi Ellen,

     My main source is "The Gary Genealogy", pages 43-44 and 56.  Those are the second and third sources that I list.  I don't know how reliable the Gary Genealogy is, but it shows Rebecca Gary as the youngest child of Nathaniel Gary and Abigail Rice (pages 43-44).  And page 56 shows her as the wife of Samuel Gibbs.

Hi Linda,

       The marriage record does not state the parents names for Rebecca.  However, "The Gary Genealogy" does show her as youngest child of Nathaniel Gary and Abigail Rice.  That is the second and third sources that I list:   

Source citations should include information about the source, Title, publication info, as well as the information found, especially from a subscription site. You have stated more information here than is on the profile for Rebecca.   Marriage info has spouse, date, where, parents? Gary genealogy has what information in it?  What is the info about that source.  For people that don't have that subscription, the rest of that information is needed.

Hi Linda,

     Sorry about that.  I should have given the online version (freely available) for the "Gary Genealogy".  You can see it here:   https://archive.org/stream/garygenealogydes00brai/garygenealogydes00brai_djvu.txt

Hi Kenneth, for what its worth Brainerd's book on Gary genealogy is generally considered to be a descent source; certainly a good starting point for the three Gary families discussed in the book.  The second Gary family, Stephen, is my ancestral line.  First became acquainted with the book in the late 1950s.  Unfortunately, he doesn't have a bibliography and references are only mentioned in the narrative and not all facts are sourced.  At first glance it appears that your Rebecca's birth date is one of these.  However, the fact that all the children listed have exact birthdates makes me suspect that a parish/church register of some kind or perhaps civic documentation was his source.

If its of any help, here's how I referenced the book on one of my Gary's,

Kenneth, please humor me by creating a proper biography for Rebecca, with footnotes to the sources for any details. I do not consider this a proper biography:

Rebecca was born in 1709. "The Gary Genealogy", pages 43-44, says that she was born March 3, 1708/09 at "Mashamoquet" (= Pomfret), Connecticut. Here is one weblink to the freely available online version for those who do not have a subscription to Ancestry:

ADDED: Never mind. I found her birth in Vital Records of Woodstock, Connecticut, on americanancestors.org

Since that birth record shows Rebecca's LNAB was Gary, I have changed it on her profile from Geary to Gary.    I should also note that her sister Naomi's LNAB is almost certainly wrong.  Naomi's LNAB is shown as Gara, but that is the spelling from the marriage record.

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