Need someone to advise me re fixing this file or making a new one

+3 votes
This profile is of Lois Whittier which I originally put in.  However, someone came along and changed the name of the mother and removed the father who is a Porter K Whittier and mother is Lois Piper..  

How do I make a correction?  Sorry but this is really beginning to frustrate me.
WikiTree profile: Lois Whittier
in Genealogy Help by E. Lauraine Syrnick G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
Per the answers given to the last question, just add back Whittier-253 as father and Piper-928 as mother.

The sisters currently attached -- I would guess (because I don't know this family) that they, too, should be removed as siblings, as they have the currently attached mother as theirs,
I tried this already - can't get to page that says enter Profile#. For some strange reason it doesn't come up and just get instructions and a new page to re-enter her mother.  Since she already has a Profile don't want to do that as it just gives the blank spaces to put her name, etc.

Any suggestions how to replace this mother and her offspring with Lois Piper-272 and father being Porter K Whittier-255?

I'll see what I can do.  Do I also detach the siblings?   Never mind that, they detached when I changed the mother.

Yes the sisters need to be detached.  This Lois as shown was born in Canada and not sure if her last name was Whittier or not.  Definitely detach them as the Lois Whittier originally put in by me was born in Maine, USA

Also need to add Lois Whittier onto her father and mother profile - Porter K Whittier and Lois Piper.  She was apparently the last child born to the two of them.  Unsure when she died or whether she lived much after her birth???  Lois was a fairly popular Whittier 1st name but didn't see a death date for this one.  Originally must have guessed at it.

Hope to get a new OS on my Apple computer soon as this darn Catalina is driving me crazy.  Have numerous things to put in but not being abe to copy them is a really hard to bare. Can see by the instructions that it would take me weeks to understand how to copy text so will phone Apple soon to see if there is another Apple MacBook Air OS available.  I cannot even copy short pieces off written script to another program with it now - ugly for me.

Thanks so much.

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