Love to Connect the Unconnected? Join the Connectors Project! [closed]

+40 votes

The Connectors Project focuses on connecting loose branches and twigs to our Global Family Tree


Many of us are able to connect to the trunk of the Global Family Tree right when we join, as we have cousins who are already here. For others, it takes some time and effort; that's where Connectors come in!

Connectors work on open unconnected families and profiles and research to source and connect them so we're all one tree, rather than many separate ones. 

Due to privacy, our project focus is primarily on profiles of non-living people. 

There are many ways to get involved with our project including:

  • The Connectors Challenge, a monthly race to see how many already existing unconnected profiles you can connect to the tree in 30 days. Winners get nifty badges and bragging rights. (You can participate in the challenge and not be a Connector, and vice versa.)
  • The Lost and Found Project, which works to reconstruct GEDCOMs that were broken apart upon upload. 
  • Working with Connecting Buddies who link Connectors together to best use their areas of expertise to make connections.

If you like making connections and helping others with their family research, the Connectors project is the place for you. Just answer this question below and we'll get you a badge and a welcome!

closed with the note: New join post:
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Jayme Arrington G2G6 Pilot (193k points)
closed by Abby Glann

If you choose to join the project, these are some great pages to check out and add your name to:

Have a specific location you like to focus on?

Have a specific surname you are working towards connecting?

Want to find more information and see what other connectors are working on?

I've been through quite a few of unconnected profiles. I can't believe just how many there are with absolutely no connections at all and often completely empty profiles. I've made a few research notes and comments and actually managed to connect one of them up to a tree. I wonder whether there is any chance of getting hold of the original gedcom files and passing them on to one of us to try to sort out?
Once we make a connection, is there a certain place we are supposed to note it?

Thanks, Cindy

154 Answers

+19 votes
Hi I would like to be a connector and help connect profiles.  Thanks for you consideration.
by Shawna Landry G2G5 (5.7k points)
I have awarded you the Connectors badge! :) Feel free to check out any of the links above to find areas you can work on or work away on your own watchlist if you have any unconnected profiles there. Welcome to the Connectors!
+19 votes
Hello, I would like to join the Connectors Project - I enjoy trying to connect profiles in the course of my research - focus on Italy (with special focus on Bergamo province), Norway, and Germany.
by Susannah Zemke G2G6 (7.0k points)

Hi Susannah, I have awarded you the Connectors badge! I saw that you've already been on Let others know what locations you are working on, which is great! We are very happy to have you on the Connectors project.

+18 votes
Hello! I am interested in joining this project on an ongoing basis (vs the monthly challenge)
by Adriana Hazelton G2G6 Mach 2 (20.9k points)
I've awarded you the Connectors badge. :) Thank you for joining us and let me know if you have any questions!
+17 votes
Please accept my request to join the Connectors Project.  It looks like a fun challenge.
by Living Maynard G2G3 (3.5k points)
I've awarded you the Connectors badge. :) Thank you for joining! We're happy to have you. :)
+17 votes
I would like to join the Connectors Project.  Since I just joined the Notables Project, it seems like they could be related.  Thanks.
by Living Beckett G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)

I've awarded you the Connectors badge! Feel free to check out the Unconnected Notables page to see some of the Notables that are in need of connecting. For even more notables, the Let others know what locations you are working on page has notables broken down by location for several areas. Thank you for joining!

+17 votes
Hi. I'd like towork on the Connectors Project
by Cathleen Langhoff G2G5 (5.7k points)
I've awarded you the Connectors badge! Welcome to the Connectors Project! :)
+15 votes
I would like to join the Connectors Project. I am currently working on connecting the unconnected on my surname list.
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
I would like to join the Connection Project because I am often involved with inviting people to become members of WikiTree and frequently helping them to connect with older ancestors. I also connected several stray profiles during the recent Source-a-Thon. I was invited to join the project a couple of years ago, but didn't really understand why at that time. My main focus is on connecting people to their older families already in WikiTree. This is especially true for those with ancestors in the Edmonson-Grayson County area of Kentucky.

Thank you for joining! I've awarded the Connectors badge to both of you. Welcome to the Connectors Project : )

Tommy, if you'd like, feel free to add the surname you are working on to our page: Let Others Know What Surnames You Are Working On. : )

Bill, you might be interested in our Let Others Know What Locations You Are Working On page. It will have some of the largest unconnected branches in Kentucky listed. You are welcome to work on that list if that interests you!

Thanks, Jayme. Looking quickly there aren't a large number of profiles in the Kentucky list, but I'll do my to work on these in the coming weeks.
I'll make a note to add to the Kentucky list this week. :) Thanks again!
Thanks Jayme.  I have added the Buch surname to the page you mentioned above.
+16 votes

 Hello! I would like to join the connectors project. I am new here on wikitree. I am searching Tiller/Mullan/Horr/Kiefer/Reed/Soria surnames.
Thank you!

by Kathy Tiller G2G Crew (680 points)
Hi Kathy, thank you for joining the Connectors Project! Please let me know if you have any questions at all. The main post above has some great links to look through to become more familiar with the project. Welcome! :)
+16 votes
I'd love to volunteer for the project and participate in the challenge. Thanks!
by Kyle Knapp G2G1 (1.4k points)

Hi Kyle! I have awarded the Connectors badge to you. We'd love to have you participate in our monthly challenge. :) Just post an answer on the post at the link below saying you'd like to participate this month and I'll get you added to this month's participants. Welcome to the Connectors!

December Connectors Challenge

+16 votes
I would like to join this project!  Thanks!
by Jessica Symons G2G6 Mach 1 (11.8k points)
Thank you for joining! I have awarded the Connectors badge to you. I see that you are already participating in this month's Connectors challenge. :) We're excited to have you! Please let me know if you have any questions and welcome to the Connectors!
+15 votes

I'm not sure I want to do any challenges (at this time, anyway), but I have discovered I have a liking for making that Connection. 

I worked really hard some months ago to get a fellow Wikitreer Connected, and since then have made a few other Connections.  (I also worked with Leandra on Connecting Desmond Llewelyn, which was really neat -- she going from one direction, me from the other, and meeting at some point not quite in the middle.)

Probably the easiest was Max Ferguson, who I'd thought would be difficult, but his mother already had a profile and she was Connected, so attaching him to her made that Connection.

My most recent small-c connection trail (because I don't remember if he was already Connected) would be linking Sir William Robert Campion with his grandparents on both sides. I'd been researching a different branch and followed a rabbit or two and ended up adopting WR, then creating his mother to make the attachment to the Brand line and those who came before (goes all the way up to pre-1066 on the Pierrepont line).

by Melanie Paul G2G6 Pilot (433k points)
Hi Melanie! I've awarded the Connectors badge to you. Feel free to join in on the challenges whenever you want, but it's definitely not a requirement. :) I've seen you working on connections with the featured profiles each week, so we're excited to have you! Thank you for joining. :)

Aaaaaaaaand I also Connected Ivy May Pearce Hassard today (should show after next update) -- much more quickly than I had thought would happen.  (I didn't even need the help I'd requested.)  I'm feeling so chuffed!  (There's a very real inner "buzz" when you make that final link, knowing that "tomorrow" the connections will be there at the bottom of the profile.)

Thanks for the badge.  smiley

I just have to share with someone that I Connected Vice Admiral Sir Paul Warner Bush KCB MVO RN tonight, so this is it because the only other place would be the Challenge thread - and I'm not ready to tackle a challenge yet..  (It should show sometime tomorrow.)
+16 votes
I would like to join.
by Sandi Strong G2G6 Mach 3 (30.3k points)
I've awarded the Connectors badge to you. :) Welcome to the Connectors!
+16 votes
I would like to help with the connectors project.  I'm mostly interested in early America and Britain, but happy to help anywhere.
by Stephen Potter G2G Crew (680 points)
Thank you for joining! I've awarded the Connectors badge to you. :)
+16 votes
I'm looking to be a connector.  Current focus is on Jamaica, but the will inevitably move beyond that.  Surnames of focus (for now) are my ever-expanding surname list.
by Marlon Osbourne G2G Crew (680 points)

Thank you for joining! I have awarded the Connectors project badge to you. :)

Feel free to check out the Jamaica section of the Let Others Know What Locations You Are Working On page. You'll be able to see what the largest unconnected branches are in Jamaica and add your name, if you'd like to.

Let me know if you have any questions and thank you for joining!

+16 votes
Hello, I would like to help connect profiles. My own tree is connected but I've already helped connect a few random unconnected profiles, so would love to officially be designated a connector!  Thanks!
by Katie Bryant G2G6 Mach 7 (72.9k points)
Hi Katie! Welcome to the Connectors project. :) I've awarded the badge to you. Let me know if you have any questions!
+15 votes

Hi, I would like to be a connector and help connect profiles. I am a fairly new genealogist try to help the community.

by Anonymous Anonymous G2G6 Mach 7 (72.3k points)
+16 votes

I'd love to join the connectors, I've been doing some Data Doctor work and also work with the England Project challenges, which sometimes involve connecting.

Happy New Year 2021 - may it be a better one for everybody

by Maureen Wilkins G2G6 Mach 2 (25.8k points)
+16 votes
Hi there, I would like to join
by Kristina Gallant G2G2 (2.9k points)
+16 votes
I'd like to help in some projects.
by Jay Hughey G2G6 Mach 1 (12.8k points)
+16 votes
Can you please sign me up for the Connectors Project.

I believe that I can help out with this project in one form or another.

Thank you very much! :-))

~Brian Kerr
by Living Kerr G2G6 Pilot (338k points)

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