Advice before editing this pre-1700 Kleinsasser profile?

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I have information to contribute to the profile of Hans Kleinsasser. This is what I can add:

  • Locations for birth, and death.

These are the sources I am using:

  • Brother's Keeper Program #68.

Should I contact one of the pre-1700 projects or know about any style guidelines before proceeding? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Hans Kleinsasser
in Genealogy Help by W. Miller G2G Crew (740 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
"Brother's Keeper Program #68" is not a source.
Could you explain why?
Brother's Keeper is a genealogy program without any content by itself. Everything there has to be entered by a user and, therefore, the quality of data depends on what has been put in. For it to have useful data it needs to contain good sources otherwise it is just the same as the many internet family trees on FamilySearch, Ancestry, Geni, MyHeritage - at best hints to look for confirmation if they provide none.

Of course:

A digital program is only a place to store the information that you must have got from elsewhere. Specify the original source, not your place where you will find your data.
No one can check them, no one knows where you've got your information and if it's correct.

If you do not know where the information originally come from, leave it unsourced, maybe write a research note into the biography, that the information is unreliable.

Good sources are primary sources, that means the information must have been recorded at the time of occurence (that means pre-1700!). Basically these are only church records, wills, legacy records.

But often there are secondary sources, they copied the information from primary sources. These can be books, Ancestry, MyHeritage, etc. But often these secondary sources also have its sources listed.

Thank you Jochen. I didn't know that.

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