Anyone need lookups in Piemontese (northern Italian) records?

+3 votes
I am researching Piemontese (northern Italian) records at Family Search. In the Province of Torino. So far in Pertusio and Prascorsano. I have discovered two new fourth great-grandmothers in this process. Giving me two new direct line surnames: FALLETTI and CERUTTO (CERUTTI). I can be on the lookout for other surnames in these records. Please just let me know. Thank you.
in The Tree House by Barry Jernigan G2G Crew (430 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
My wife's maternal grandmother was from a little town called Settimo Rottaro. The family names would be Vachino and Lagna. I haven't even begun to research them, so anything you run into would be a big help. Thank you!
by Richard Heritage G2G6 Mach 5 (58.9k points)
selected by Barry Jernigan
Family Search: Non-indexed records: Italy, Torino, Ivrea, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1865-1937: Provincia Torino: Settimo Rottaro: Morti 1866-1900 (Deaths 1866-1900): Image 1 of 381: Death record for Natalia Vacchino:(* L'anno mille ottocento sessantacinque) (*1865) il quatro del mese di Gennaio (4 Jan). Davanti il sottoscritto Assessore Anziano faciente funzione di Sindaco atteso (In front of the undersigned Senior Councilor acting as the expected Mayor) Sigr. Gianotti Battista fu Gioanni Uffiziale dello stato Civile nel Comune di Settimo Rottaro (Mr. Battista Gianotti, son of Gioanni Gianotti, deceased, the Civil Registrar in this community of Settimo Rottaro). Sono comparsi (appeared) il Signor Vacchino Stefano fu Pietro Antonio di professione contadino, dell'eta d'anni quarant'otto (Mr. Stefano Vacchino, farm laborer, age 48, son of Pietro Antonio Vacchino, deceased) e Benedetto Matteo fu Antonio di professione anche contadino dell'eta d'anni sessantacinque (and Matteo Benedetto, also a farm laborer, age 65, son of Antonio Benedetto, deceased) ambi domiciliati e dimoranti in Settimo Rottaro (both domiciled and residing in Settimo Rottaro) i quali dichiarano essere il giorno due del corrente mese di Gennaio (and they have declared that the 2nd day of the current month of January) morta in questo Comune (died in this community) alle ore dieci di notte la (at 10:00 at night there) Vacchino Natalia figlia di Vacchino Stefano fu Pietro (Natalia Vacchino, the daughter of Stefano Vacchino, the son of Pietro Vacchino, deceased) e di Cossano Maria di Antonio (and also daughter of Maria Cossano, daughter of Antonio Cossano) dell'eta d'anni dieci (ten years old) nubile di professione contadina nella casa posta in questo Comune di Settimo Rottaro (single, a farm laborer, in the house located in this community of Settamo Rottaro) regione Maioletto (tiled district?) via Cerere Numero civico dodici (Cerere Street, House number 12). Quale dichiarazione letta, li dichiaranti (in me?) coll'uffiziale dello stato civile sottoscrivono (The declaration that was read to the informants, with the civil registrar, all undersigned [signatures below]. La stessa dichiarazione venne scritta di pugno del Geometra Forno Francesco di Azeglio (the same handwritten declaration was made by the Surveyor, Francesco Forno, of Azeglio) a richiesta del sottoscritto Uffiziale dello stato civile (at the request of the undersigned civil registrar). (* sessantasei il et nt mp?) (* 66 the ?? ??). Si approva la soprascritta postilla e la cancellature della parola sessantacinque. (The above written footnote is approved and cancel the word "65") [NOTE: They are merely saying that the year of the date is incorrect and should be 1866 NOT 1865.]

Vachino Stefano dichiarante (Stefano Vachino, informant)

Benedetto Matteo, dichiarante (Matteo Benedetto, informant)

L'Uffiziale dello stato Civile, Gianotti Battista (the civil registrar, Battista Gianotti).

I hope the above is satisfactory. I only started learning to transcribe and translate these documents about a month ago. So I may have some of the more complicated sentences incorrect. Italian words are not placed in sentences necessarily in the same order as English. And words by themselves can mean something completely different when you combine them with other words. The second death record in this register is for Elisa Vacchino. Image 11 of 381 has a death record for 23. Catterina Vacchino. Some of what is written "sono comparsi Vacchino Antonio fu Antonio d'anni cinquantasei e Vacchino Martino di Antonio d'anni ventisei, padre e fratello della defunta..e morta Vacchino Catterina, celibe, d'anni vent'uno, nata e residente in questo Comune, contadina figlia del dichiarante Vacchino Antonio e di Gianotti Maria di Martino (Appeared Antonio Vacchino, age 56, son of Antonio Vacchino, deceased and Martino Vacchino, son of Antonio Vacchino, age 26, father and brother of the deceased...died Catterina Vacchino, single, age 21, born and resident of this community, farm laborer, daughter of the informant, Antonio Vacchino and daughter of Maria Gianotti, daughter of Martino Gianotti).....Quite a number of the death records for 1866 were for those of the surname GIANOTTI. Just from this death register alone you could probably get a lot of information on your ancestry in Settimo Rottaro. That is not too far away from the places where my ancestors were in Piemonte. Just a little bit more to the east. We were more directly north of the city of Torino and your familes were more to the northeast of the city but still in Torino Province. I hope this is helpful. Google Translate can be a really good site to use. Not always exactly correct. The sentence SHOULD make sense. ;-) But it can still be very helpful.
Thank you so much, Barry! This is terrific. Maybe it will inspire me to start working seriously on my wife's family. We went to Settimo Rottaro while on our honeymoon many years ago and I met a whole lot of people, but I wasn't interested in genealogy yet and didn't pay much attention to what the relationships were. Thanks again!
You're very welcome. I get to those Italy databases by clicking on the Europe map, then choose "Italy" from the drop down list. Scroll down to the "Non-Indexed Records" and choose the "Birth, Marriage and Death" sets that are arranged alphabetically by the places. Click to see all 128 (I think that is the number). Sometimes when you do that the records will be "invisible" (on my PC they are). I just click the back arrow and click to see all the records again. Usually they will show up. Sometimes I have to do that a couple of times. Not sure why. Then you find (for comune's outside of the city of Torino) the records for Ivrea. Those are the ones you want. Click on Provincia: Torino and that will give you the alphabetical list of comunes. Happy hunting.
+1 vote
If you can access records from Cuneo, I'd be grateful. If not, s'okay.
by Charlotte Landis G2G4 (4.1k points)
Sure I'll be glad to. What are you looking for and I'll see what I can find for you.
My 2nd great-grandpa was Bartolomeo Voglino, born in Asti or Cuneo around 1850. His wife was Clara Mussotto, also probably from Cuneo. She was about 18 years younger than her husband. Bartolomeo was listed as "Bartolomeo fu Giov Voglino" in his immigration records, so his father must have been a Giovanni Voglino. That's all I know.

Family Search: Italy, Asti, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1910: Asti: Costigliole d'Asti (this spelling is mangled on the ship passenger list): Pubblicazioni, matrimoni, morti, cittadinanze, 1887: Image 27 of 202: Atti di Matrimonio: #29. Voglino, Gio'v Bartolomeo con Mussotto, Clara. Has their marriage record in Italian. It's on a pre-printed form with blanks to fill in. So a lot of it is printed not written making it easier to read.

Under Asti, Civil Registration (Tribunale) you can choose Asti or Cuneo. You want Asti not Cuneo to get the other comune records. You'll find Costigliole d'Asti alphabetically with the other communities.
Thanks a bunch!
You're welcome. BTW Mussatto is a surname in my extended family tree associated with Piemontese families in Illinois. Not sure if there is a connection with your families. Possibly very distant in the past. I'm still working on my direct Piemontese families. I need to get those down before I branch out to the collateral families there.

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