I would like to make a HUGE PLUG for everyone who has had a at-DNA (autosomal) test such as with FTDNA Family Finder, MyHeritage DNA or Ancestry DNA to upload their test data to GEDmatch.
It is so simple to do this and makes it so much easier to find family matches!
Yesterday, I had a very successful session going through the Fraser DNA Connections page https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:DNATests&s=Fraser
Firstly, I clicked the “Birth” column header so that it sorted connections into the earliest born from the top then scrolled down the list of test takers identifying people who had done a mt-DNA test, then, if they had also uploaded this to GEDmatch compared my test with theirs.
I am delighted to report I discovered 5 people my surname, and who were born in our ancestral birthplaces who shared DNA segment matches and I intend to research these people from today to try to discover how we are related.
Sadly, there were many people on the list who only identified their original test provider which prevented me from being able to check if there was a match. I know if I had had a subscription with their test taker I could have been able to see, however, this is such a time-consuming task.
So I would like to finish this with a BIG PLEA to anyone who has not uploaded their autosomal DNA test to GEDmatch to do so if they want to be most successful in finding their ancestors!!