I hope it is acceptable to post this as an answer and hide my comment, so it's in the right place.
I just read the full report (yes, cover to cover.) The degree of commitment people have to the Data Doctors project is impressive. It's not surprising that some people would leave, given "life" and also perhaps a misunderstanding of the steps involved. As a new Data Doctor, the survey results echo my impression that more education would be helpful, especially to learn what training resources are currently available, how to find them and how to improve one's practice. As someone who is used to reading surveys and making decisions based on them, I applaud the professional nature of this one. My thanks to those who created it, participated in it, evaluated and wrote the results.
P.S. Please let me apologize for not being clearer in my comments. My point about education was poorly put: it was meant to refer to the relatively large percentages who self-reported they were not aware of, never or only occasionally used the videos and /or reports. There is a great deal of education available. I read the documentation on the main page and clickthroughs, and review the documentation on the specific spreadsheet project before starting. I fall into the category of "hate learning from videos" but will go through them as overviews.
Reading the results gives a better idea of what's available. Reading the entire study is really fascinating - it's brief, well-illustrated and easy to understand. And most important, it shows that the project leaders want to empower Data Doctors by providing different types of support and understanding how the support can be improved. I hope everyone will take 15-20 minutes to read these results.