Data Doctors Project: Survey Says...

+37 votes

Hi All,

In April the Data Doctors Project sent all Data Doctors a poll in compliance with the WikiTree policy to check in with members for continuing project membership and what they are working on.

The results are in and posted for your viewing pleasure:

2020 Data Doctors Project Member Participation Poll Results

Our thanks and gratitude for your thoughtful responses.  Since all WikiTree members are encouraged to correct issues in profiles they manage, this might give you some information as well.

Nineteen years ago today, I was having a delicious lunch on the banks of the Mediterranean Sea in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France when our tour guide said something was going on in New York City.  11 September 2001 changed the world forever.  Getting home to Texas a week later was very different.  Let's take a minute to remember those heroes and victims. 

Today, we have a world-wide pandemic.  We hope all WikiTree members and loved ones are safe and well.

in The Tree House by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (216k points)
I don't remember if I received this email survey or not, so I can't tell if I am included in the results.
Hi, Melanie,

You replied to the updates on G2G and replied to the poll on 4 April so you are included.

Whether Data Doctors replied or not, the results are of interest to all members.

It's been such a long year from April to now!  cheeky

Yep, and a lot of issues.

Did I take part? I don't remember seeing this poll, and my memory is not the best heart xxx

Sent you an email Karen

Thanks Sheryl smileyheartxxx

I just read the full report (yes, cover to cover.)  The  degree of commitment people have  to the Data Doctors project is impressive. It's not surprising that  some people would leave, given "life" and also perhaps a misunderstanding of  the steps involved.  As a new Data Doctor, the survey results echo my impression that more education would be helpful, especially to learn what training resources are currently available, how to find them and how to improve one's practice.  As someone who is used to reading surveys and making decisions based on them, I applaud the professional nature of this one.  My thanks to those who created it, participated in it, evaluated and wrote the results.
Thank you, Amanda, for your critique and kind words.  If this was an answer instead of a comment it would be the best one!

While more education is necessary, it is also important for new Data Doctors to take advantage of the documentation and videos already available.  The Data Doctors Project page is a good place to start as well as the linked pages.  

Stay safe.

Thanks for that (even if it was randomly generated). That's made my day :-)

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

I hope it is acceptable to post this as an answer and hide my comment, so it's in the right place. 

I just read the full report (yes, cover to cover.)  The  degree of commitment people have  to the Data Doctors project is impressive. It's not surprising that  some people would leave, given "life" and also perhaps a misunderstanding of  the steps involved.  As a new Data Doctor, the survey results echo my impression that more education would be helpful, especially to learn what training resources are currently available, how to find them and how to improve one's practice.  As someone who is used to reading surveys and making decisions based on them, I applaud the professional nature of this one.  My thanks to those who created it, participated in it, evaluated and wrote the results.

P.S. Please let me apologize for not being clearer in my comments.  My point about education was poorly put: it was meant to refer to the relatively large percentages who self-reported they were not aware of, never or only occasionally used the videos and /or reports.  There is a great deal of education available. I read the documentation on the main page and clickthroughs, and review the documentation on the specific spreadsheet project before starting.  I fall into the category of "hate learning from videos" but will go through them as overviews.  

Reading the results gives a better idea of what's available.  Reading the entire study is really fascinating - it's brief, well-illustrated and easy to understand.  And most important, it shows that the project leaders want to empower Data Doctors by providing different types of support and understanding how the support can be improved.  I hope everyone will take 15-20 minutes to read these results.  

by Amanda Sherwin G2G5 (5.6k points)
selected by Living Moore
Hi, Amanda,

Thank you for the clarification - it mirrors our findings that the basic information is available and announced and is up to new project members to review that documentation and ask questions if something isn't clear.

We also acknowledge that documentation may be lacking in some respects and we have a plan in place for improvements.

We appreciate your replies more than you know.

Stay safe!
Yes, GEDcom Junk is one I listen to the most to make sure I remember everything correctly.
Happy to hear that helps you.  Please note there are more kinds of junk than may be featured in the video.

If you ever have questions, please feel free to post your question.

Thank you for your contributions.

Stay safe.
+13 votes
I can't remember if I took the survey or not but obviously that spreadsheet creator guy is very forgetful. (If only I could remember his name)

From the tragedy that changed the world to the pandemic that wasn't, we have certainly seen massive changes in the world. A moment of prayer, meditation, silence, or whatever your religious worldview relates to for the people that died 19 years ago today, for those that died from covid-19 and for the millions suffering from the response to it. May your future be better than your past and your past be known on WikiTree.
by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (421k points)
Funny, Steven.

And not about the state of the world.  Very nicely put.
+5 votes
I was very new do Data Doctors when the survey came out.  So new, I had no idea how I could realistically answer the question.  As I recall the not be able to skip a question was an issue too.  If I din't know how to answer a question, I couldn't go to the next.

Maybe there should be an answer "To new to Answer" not just "yes" and "no" and "No Opinion".  This would eliminate the need to worry about not being able to skip quesions
by David Dodd G2G6 Mach 3 (36.7k points)
wouldn't "no opinion" cover "to new to answer" since you haven't formed an opinion yet?
Steven has a good answer.  In this case you could have sent an email with your concerns - we don't bite!

Required questions could not be skipped.

If you ever have questions on what to do, just email me.  Being new you would have good answers also.  Any other concerns, email.

Took me two years, but now I know to ask questions or even answer  smiley

Great to hear you moved passed the learning curve.  Thank you for your contributions.

Stay safe!

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