I live in Louisiana and lived on Bayou Lafourche for many years as a child,moved,went back as an adult,then my dad lived there up until his death. His family's estate was there. My father Wayne Gerard Molaison died in 2018 on this estate. My great uncle Carmen Bourgeois,2 of my great aunts Lena Bourgeois and Major Emiline Ann "Duce"Bourgeois, my great grandmother Cecile "Bee" Bourgeois, and her mother my great great grandmother Henriette Bourgeois all died here. I wish I would know more about how we had all came to be there,but I was young at the time so all we did was play solitaire,feed the animals, water the flowers, and eat cookies. I didn't have friends come over to my house. My elder relatives were my friends,and I enjoyed making my rounds to each one of their houses on a daily basis. I kind of stumbled upon this word and Im looking into it's meaning. Does anyone have any feed back for me?