Team Italy 2020 Source-A-Thon Chat [closed]

+9 votes
The 2020 Source-A-Thon is almost here! We have a few members of the team already and if you'd like to join, don't hesitate to comment on the team page here or in this thread! Here's a link:

I should note that you don't have to work on Italian profiles in the thons. You can work on whatever you'd like. Feel free to join! What will you be working on?

WikiTree profile: Space:Team_Italy-1
closed with the note: And we are done! Good job, everyone!
in The Tree House by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (848k points)
closed by Chris Ferraiolo
There are a few profiles in the ITALY unsourced group that are pretty easy if they lived/died/were born in the US.
Thanks! I'll check them out!
Nice work, Team Italy!
Thanks, Emma!

4 Answers

+7 votes
Grazie Chris for being il nostro capitano!  I'll be working on my in-laws - my wife's family tree.  Perfect excuse to get them on WikiTree ... and maybe I'll meet some cugini along the way!
by Greg Clarke G2G6 Pilot (131k points)
It'll make for great cousin bait!
+4 votes
Bumping this up! The Source a Thon is here!

What are we all working on?
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (848k points)
edited by Chris Ferraiolo
+6 votes

We at Nor'Easters wish you the best of luck in the 2020 Source-a-thon. Just over 8 hours to go before we kick it into high gear. And remember, HAVE FUN!!!!!

by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (423k points)
Thanks, Steve.

....When was the last time a storm like THAT hit New England?!
+4 votes
Okay. So far I have added sources for a couple unsourced profiles under my watch. They were French profiles and it was a little tricky getting them sourced. I have a couple others from 1500 or so. They might be harder to source. How is everyone else?
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (848k points)

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