Does an indirect descendant qualify for the Mayflower Project?

+6 votes
I'm self-certified for pre-1700 profiles and interested in the Mayflower period, but I'm only an indirect descendant--10th great-grandniece of Edward Winslow.  Does that disqualify me from participating in the project?
in The Tree House by Kim McKnight G2G6 (9.2k points)

The project page says "Anyone who has signed the Honor Code and has the Pre-1700 badge is invited to join the project."

Thank you for the clarification. The 9 September Wikitree family news said that "if you have Mayflower ancestors" and are pre-1700 certified, consider joining the Mayflower Project.  I'm sure that I misinterpreted the message.
TBH, I'd be surprised if any project would limit volunteers. There's too much work left to do.
Kim, I think that's just a general invitation, but it's not limited only to those who have the ancestors.  (I guess a presumption is that if you DO have such ancestors, you'd be more interested than I would (for example).)
Just an FYI, there is no such thing as an "indirect descendant."  That would be a cousin or a relative.
Thank you for the clarification.
Hi Kim, just wondering who is your Winslow grand parent? Mine is Josiah b. 1605, youngest child of Edward & Magdalene. I would like to see more of your ancestry. Could be more here than one might think.

Not that Josiah.  I believe Edward had a brother, also named Josiah, and he is the grandparent.
Sorry for the confusion. Josiah b. 11 Feb 1605 is the youngest brother of Edward. The Josiah b. ca. 1629 is Edwards son and married Penelope Pelham. So which one is your grand parent?
Josiah born in 1605.
"Indirect descendant" may not be technically accurate (I think "collateral descendant" is the official designation), but it does get the point across.  :o)  For my family's purposes, I've also used the phrase "familial descendant" in place of the rather harsh-sounding "step-descendant" to indicate that our traditionally-recognized, Mayflower-granddaughter 7th great grandmother was actually the _stepmother_ of my 6th great grandfather.  (The "step-" was forgotten over the course of two centuries.)  She was the mother my 6th gg really knew -- his birth mother died when he was only about 4 -- so using the term "familial" to categorize his and  our relationship to her seems appropriate.  But it won't cut any ice with the GSMD!

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer


We welcome anyone who has any interest in the subject of the Mayflower. A lot of WikiTree members are just exploring their ancestry and aren't yet able to prove they are descendants. The Project is open to anyone who has signed the Honor Code and is pre-1700 certified.

Since you're already a badged member, I'll point others to join us by answering on our G2G thread here. 

by Bobbie Hall G2G6 Pilot (378k points)
selected by Living Kerr
+7 votes
Part of the confusion may be that Wiki's project has very little to do with the General Society of Mayflower Descendants.  That organization requires proof of lineage to the Mayflower Passengers.  I think Wiki's purpose is really just if you have an interest in them.  There are many Mayflower descendants who have never proven their descent with the GSMD, but they are still descendants.  Many others who are collaterally related, and still have great interest. Anyone can be interested, no matter what their ancestry, and should be encouraged if they can help.
by Carolyn Adams G2G6 Mach 9 (95.6k points)
Well explained, Carolyn. Thank you.
Thank you for that clarification.

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