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+10 votes
My name is Arthur , I am interest in the "where, when" of my and my wife's family genealogy. I have tried to utilize research done from a couple of family member but that information like other data in common play has been lost or misplaced. I believe that this will be a long and drawn out process, let's see where this goes. I would like to start with my mother in laws grand pa, he lived and passed in 1950 or soon, was a San Pedro European fisherman from the famous fishing fleet of the time in San Pedro. Also He constructed many homes  in the aforementioned area . His sir name was Whetstone from the Arkansas Whetstone's. That's what I know. Please help.
WikiTree profile: Arthur Rodriguez
in The Tree House by Arthur Rodriguez G2G Crew (430 points)
Do you mean San Pedro, California?

Would you have Mr. Whetstone's first name? Can you say when he was born, married or the name of his wife? Was he born in Arkansas?

There are over 400 with the Whetstone surname at WikiTree and over 5000 with the Rodriguez surname. You can find them by going to Find at the top right of the page. Click on Find and take the menu down to where it says Surname.

I think he may mean in Los Angeles Harbor. They had a famous San Pedro Fishermen Fiesta:

Good insight. Thanks.

4 Answers

+7 votes
Welcome to WT Arthur!
by Astrid Spaargaren G2G6 Pilot (296k points)
+5 votes
Welcome aboard Arthur.  You'd be surprised at how much people are willing to help here on WikiTree, just include all that you do know in your question.

Grandpa's first and last name, his wife's name.  Names of any of their children.

And dates or approximated dates of his birth, marriage, death etc.

Location: Country >Province/Region/State >city, town of b, m, or d.  It appears he died in CA, but do you know where he was born or married?

You can add details to your question by clicking either Edit or Comment.

Happy Hunting
by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (908k points)
+5 votes
Welcome to WikiTree, Arthur. Be sure to let one of your Greeters know if you have any questions about how the site works.
by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (417k points)
+4 votes
Welcome to WikiTree, Arthur. It would be wonderful if you would upgrade to our Family Membership (which is totally free), then you could add Whetstone and Rodriguez as two of your tags. You would then be connected to all of the people on WikiTree that are also searching those surnames.

Welcome again, and I hope you are having as much fun on WikiTree as I am having.
by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (1.9m points)

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