Can someone help with info on Houser, Martin, Trammell, and Lewis?

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I am a member of Ancestry but need help with finding additional info on families including: Houser, Martin, Trammell, and Lewis.
in Genealogy Help by DeDee Martin G2G Rookie (160 points)
At this moment there are 2200+ HOUSER indexed at WT; there are 55.5k MARTIN; there is almost 900 TRAMMELl; and there is 36.7k LEWIS indexed.

Certainly, if you want proofs of the BDM then a site such as would be suitable, they have attached many records issued by the civil authorities such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, tax rolls, census and so forth; all of which are suitable as proofs

1 Answer

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Hi DeDee, you might get further if you were to ask more specific questions. Like which person, when and what country/state etc.

There are many volunteers ready to help, just need where to start and what you are looking for, thanks.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Beth Schmillen

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