Hello Everyone My name is Christopher Kenworthy. Brick wall with Lewis Goodrich born 1823 Shelby County,IN

+9 votes
Lewis Goodrich  Born Shelby County,IN  June 23 1823 Died July 20 ,1864  Cobb,GA . He died at the Battle of Peachtree Creek during the Civil War.  I also believe the Union Army had his name down as Louis also. Lewis is the family spelling though.  I can not find any concrete information of who his parents are. They were also in Indiana during his childhood.  The courthouse in Shelby County,IN burned down twice from what I have learned over the years. All sorts of records were lost and it appears that info on my grandfather was lost too. Thanks  Chris Kenworthy
WikiTree profile: Christopher Kenworthy
in The Tree House by Christopher Kenworthy G2G Crew (400 points)

There are about 6777 profiles on wikitree here  with the surname of Goodrich, 20 of those  have the first name of Lewis, but none fit your dates. Most of them are related to each other. Including me.

this might help https://www.familysearch.org/tree/pedigree/landscape/KHMR-Z6R

According to that the following profile is the father of your Lewis https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Goodrich-781

This means that you are related to our esteemed leader see https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:Relationship&action=calculate&person1_name=Goodrich-781&person2_name=Whitten-1

Thank you sir. I may be related to the founder huh? That's great. I had no idea. My grandmother's mom's maiden name was Goodrich. She died in the Memphis,Tn area in the 1920's. She died of TB.  Her grandfather died in the Civil War.  My family therefore does not have a good record of the family. I do know that I may still have family in the Memphis area. I have tried finding some clues on facebook but I now will have to get my clues from find a grave it seems. I have been know to contact churches that are listed on the memorials and through writing this has me remembering to look into it. Thanks again You also gave me a Eureka moment. Its funny how talking this stuff out gets the mind a working.
I went over to Ancestry, to see what I could find there, the best sourced profile I could find for Lewis Goodrich had lots of sources  I carefully checked each linked source and then I noticed the name of the manager, and then I went Oh, The manager is you.

5 Answers

+10 votes

>Lewis Goodrich (1823–1864) | Person | Family Tree | FamilySearch

Lewis Goodrich > Born in Shelby County, Indiana, USA on 03/jun/1823 to William Goodrich and Catherine Brothers. Lewis Goodrich married Elizabeth Goodrich Edwards and had 1 child. He passed away on July 20, 1864 in Marietta, Georgia, United States.


William Goodrich 1789 - 1837

Catherine Brothers 1790 - 1872

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (683k points)
edited by Susan Smith
+9 votes

Hello, again Christopher! Welcome to G2G!  I hope that you are finding your way around. smiley

by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (440k points)
I am managing and I am thankful for everyone's help so far but the problem is that I can't find reliable sources that state that William Goodrich and Catherine Brother were Lewis Goodrich's parents William also had a brother named George that I have tried linking with Lewis . George was also in Shelby County Indiana with his brothe William at that time.  William and George's  mother was Sussanna  Whetzell/Wetzell . She was the sister of the Indian killer mad man Lewis and Jacob. Jacob had a trail named after him in Indiana. It was called Whetzell's trace. William and George's father was Nathan Delano Goodrich.   I trace that line back to Plymouth,MA . That line connects with Richard Warren. Richard was on the Mayflower with his family when they came over. This is why I want to get this 100% correct.  I have contacted national archives for military records but I heard they are closed due to Covid. That would explain why I have heard not one thing back. Thanks Chris

Yes, many places are closed due to Covid. Have you tried to see if they are offering anything online? A lot of places like the archives are offering free use of their digitized records, due to Covid.

Once things return to normal you may want to try the Shelby County, IN vital records. You may also want to see if you can find out what churches were in the area at the time. That is where most births and/or baptisms were recorded back then.

If you were to upgrade and start your family tree, it would make it a lot easier for others to help you search. smiley

+6 votes
by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (765k points)
edited by Andrew Simpier
Thank you this is how I discovered that they spelled his first name wrong. I have contacted the national archives for his military records to see if they have parents and other family mentioned. I am on a Shelby ,Indiana genealogy page on FB and the genealogist/Administrator tells me they have been closed since Covid went full on.
+7 votes

Welcome to WikiTree, Christopher. It would be wonderful if you would upgrade to our Family Membership (which is totally free), then you could add Goodrich as one of your tag. You would then be connected to all of the people on WikiTree that are also searching that surname.

Welcome again, and I hope you are having as much fun on WikiTree as I am having.

by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (1.9m points)
Ya I got to find the time  a bit here and there stuff.  I am planning on it though
+3 votes
Take a look at [[Goodrich-9460|Lewis Goodrich (1823-1864)]] where I added a section on who I believe his parents are based on available data.
by Whitney Rapp G2G6 (7.9k points)

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