Should Wales, for time period between 1707-1801 have "Kingdom of Great Britain", "United Kingdom" or neither?

+4 votes
While working on the location name challenge, I changed Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales, United Kingdom by removing the "United Kingdom" portion as per the suggestion by dates. (by the way, I love this feature, it's amazing!)   
The profile manager reached out to me and noted that the Kingdom of Great Britain was created in 1706 and thought that the change should not have been made.   Since I'm completely ignorant of the details of this specific naming, I googled it.  What I found was that it was called "Kingdom of Great Britain" as of 1707 until 1801 at which time it became the United Kingdom.   So I wanted to suggest that "Kingdom of Great Britain" be added to the suggestions for the locations for which this would apply so that when we do our challenges, those ignorant of the distinction will know it should be included.  So this suggestion would be Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales, Kingdom of Great Britain (1707-1801) and the Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales (1536-1706).
The profile manager noted that in the end, changing it or not changing it doesn't really make a differences as either way would clearly be understood.    
in WikiTree Tech by Cathy Fahey G2G3 (3.7k points)
As the United Kingdom didn't come into effect until 1801, it shouldn't be used prior to that time.

Personally, if the Profile Manager chooses to use just Wales, I would allow  it -- just as I choose to use England, or Scotland, without adding United Kingdom.  (If there were doubt as to place meaning, I would add the qualifier.)
Right but this is for Wales and the profile manager mentioned the kingdom of great britain was formed in 1706, so 1707-1801 would have that designation.   I see in the US, there are distintions for colony, vs, state, etc, so I was asking since it was a time period specificity issue similar to that.
I see it as optional.  A choice made by the profile manager.  If they wish to use "Kingdom of Great Britain" after "Wales", they can.

I wouldn't, but it would not be incorrect for that time frame.

Place, Monmouthshire, Wales, Kingdom of Great Britain OR Place, Ceredigion, Wales.  Neither is incorrect.  Just as using Sandal Magna, Yorkshire, England for 1899, is not incorrect.  There is no requirement to tack on "United Kingdom". Likewise there is no requirement to tack on "Kingdom of Great Britain", just because the date falls between 1536 and 1706.

So long as the "United Kingdom" designation is not used prior to 1801, does it matter if the profile's manager uses "Kingdom of Great Britain" or not?

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