Hi Stephen:
The source you seem to be proposing is an unsourced geni.com profile. I'm afraid that is not an acceptable "Reliable Source" for a pre-1700 profile.
A proper source would be something like this: SAB, Stord Sokneprestembete, H/Haa: Ministerialbok nr. A 1, 1725-1744, s. 65, https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070516630471. This is the actual burial entry for her from the parish book. If you look on the left-hand page in the right-most column (headed "Døde", which means "deaths"), the first entry you will come to is "Anne Salmonsd:" (which is an abbreviation for Anne Salmonsdatter, or Anne daughter of Salomon). The text to the left of this (which is under the general heading of Fest: St. Michael, or the feast day of Saint Michael, which is 29 September) reads "begr: Christopher Levaags Qvind gl. 49 aar", which translates as "buried: Christopher Levaags wife, age 49 years".
For a good general introduction (in English) to these church records and how to use them, see https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Norway_Church_Records.