I can not add my father to my tree because you send a message that he IS LIVING AND NOT LIVING !!!! HELP

+1 vote
in WikiTree Help by Living Dean G2G Rookie (40 points)

Send an email to info@ wikitree .com (without the spaces), and explain your problem.  smiley

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
When you enter his information as a new person, there are buttons under the death date and location. If he is alive, make sure that you are marking the 'still living' under death date and 'intentionally blank because still living' under the death place.  If he is dead, make sure that you are entering date and location and do 'not' have those buttons selected.

It sounds like you are getting a conflict in the date or location fields.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (859k points)
selected by Gillian Causier

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