On 13 Sep 2020 Sarah (Burns) Atkins wrote on Cornstalk-13: This is to advise that, with her permission, Audalene Mays Starr’s mitochondrial DNA results from Family Tree DNA are now posted on my blog after the historical portion: http://www.parkeradkins.wordpress.com. Initial problems with displaying the screen shots have been resolved. These results were previously shared with both Audalene and Lynda Davis-Logan who helped identify Audalene as a direct descendant of Charity Adkins and who also identified the direct descendant of Charity’s sister, Keziah. As members of the Adkins Family History Group Facebook page, Lynda and I collaborated to find candidates and use mtDNA in order to finally answer the question of whether or not the Blue Sky story was true. Our motivation was simply to find the truth and share it with other Adkins family members. Neither of us had any control over what the results would be. The haplogroup of both descendants came back as H3b1b1 - not Native-American - and the similarities between the two kits left no doubt that Charity and Keziah were full sisters. Those who wish to examine the details can now do so on my blog.