Orphan Profiles

+6 votes
Where do orphan profiles originate?
in The Tree House by Patrick Holland G2G6 Mach 6 (69.5k points)

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
People remove themselves as managers.  Sometimes people just have too many profiles on their watchlist, some people create groups of profiles - a cemetery, a military unit, neighbors of an ancestor, maybe - that they aren’t related to, so after the basics are there they orphan them.  The hope is slways that a relative or someone with more information will come along and adopt.
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (950k points)
selected by Patrick Holland
I have seen in chat that Wikitree has a limit of like 5000 profiles you may manage. Not sure about that? I just did a bunch of research and work (not totally finished) on a Notibles family tree for a possible profile week candidate of connection links.  I adopt many profiles and it goes against my grain to orphan them.  I would  rather find a Wikitreer in their family and have them adopt the new profiles I have created that are outside my family.  In hopes of them supplying a more through investigation and or a personal perspective. Sure I'm not near the threshold yet, so will worry about that later!
+5 votes

As far as I know, two ways, one the manager chooses to remove themselves as the  manager of that profile (I am not sure how you do that)  and secondly if someone closes their account then the profiles they manage are orphaned.  and see https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/976998/orphan-profiles?show=976998#q976998 Because I asked nearly the same question here awhile ago

by anonymous G2G6 Mach 9 (99.5k points)
Both Will and Kathie have provided excellent answers.

I can tell you how to create an orphan from your own watchlist. I hate to do it, but I sometimes have to.

Use the Privacy tab and scroll down to where it says "Remove Yourself." You can just remove yourself as manager, but stay on the trusted list if you need to.

Just be cautious not to orphan the profile of anyone living that you created. No one will be able to adopt it or see any information on it to determine if they would like to adopt it.
You probably wouldn't be able to remove yourself from a 'living' Unlisted profile, anyway.  Those must have at least one manager.

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