Adding "UserID" from DNA Test site for confirmation to non-Wikiteer

+6 votes

I am trying my first DNA confirmation. The Link is to a "Living" "non-Wikiteer". I have added a profile for the Cousin but using just their Initials and Surname.

Can I link to them as :

DNA match between myself[[Price-18572|LG Price]] and my second cousin [[Price-22407|D G Price]] further identified as Ancestry user xxxxxxx80, whose Ancestry ID is Public with an Ancestry Public Tree on 15 Sep 2020, the date of this confirmation. The most-recent common ancestors are [[Price-18842|William Price]] and [[Fortner-782|Alice (Fortner) Price]] who are the Great-Grandparents of both testers. The Predicted Relationship from Ancestry is 1st-2nd Cousin, based on sharing 419 cM across 17 segments.

in WikiTree Tech by LG Price G2G6 Mach 4 (48.9k points)
edited by LG Price

1 Answer

+6 votes

Your statement needs to indicate whether you're confirming the profiled person's paternal relationship or maternal relationship based on the match, so it should begin either "Paternal relationship is confirmed by an Ancestry DNA match between ..." Or "Maternal relationship is confirmed by ..." It shouldn't refer to "myself" because you should refer to yourself in the third person. And you shouldn't provide that much information about your cousin because his/her profile's privacy level is "unlisted". The statement should continue " ... [[Price-22407|DG Price]] and her second cousin. Their MRCAs are [[Price-18842|William Price]] and [[Fortner-782|Alice Fortner]], their great grandparents. Predicted relationship from Ancestry is ...."

Please refer to these instructions for a confirmation based on an Ancestry DNA match:

by Kay Wilson G2G6 Pilot (225k points)
thank you for you answer. i may have comments, but since posting this i have broken my arm. back in a day or two
For me, the central questions are:

1- what is the objective of WikiTree in providing DNA confirmation? Yes, I was directed to instructions and links to pages that explain this. But even before posting I read through the instructions and the related links at least 6-7 times. What seems obvious to others is not at all obvious to me.

2- My objective is to add details of my DNA matches to Wikitree so that the matches are preserved long after I am gone. It seems to me that given the current instructions, there is no proof of the match, i.e. if I add sufficient information, I violate privacy rights. So, unless I misunderstand, Wikitree will not preserve my DNA matches as I had hoped.

that brings me back to question 1.
On WikiTree, if you choose to indicate on a profile that you have used DNA to confirm a person's relationship to his/her parent(s), you're asked to provide a statement explaining the matching DNA tests used for the confirmation, and enough information about the match to show someone reading it how that match documented the relationship. WikiTree is not providing the DNA confirmation. You are, in much the same way you provide other sources on WikTree, explaining how you have documented a person's birth/marriage/death information. For privacy reasons, if your DNA match does not have his/her own profile on WikiTree, and post his/her own DNA test information, it's not appropriate for you to be able to disclose your match's private information. Have you asked your match to join WikiTree and add his/her DNA test information? That should solve your problem.

If your goal is to preserve matching test information, have you considered using DNAPainter? On DNAPainter you can not only show who you match, but the details of the matching tests. Your account is private, so you can record any information about your match that you like. I keep all the details of my matches on DNAPainter, referring to the Wiki IDs of the shared ancestors so I know how I'm related to them.
thanks for your followup Kay. I will have to give this a long think.

I use DNA Painter now to record known matches and MRCA. Also, clustering, finding MRCA's, etc.

I like your idea of adding the WikiTree profile IDs..

But the DNAPainter chromosome maps are private. i can share with an individual but that does not help.

I don't have anyone to pass this along to.

Future genealogists will not have any solid documentation that my matches have provided evidence to prove certain family lines.

I think there needs to be a DNA match bank, where genealogists could look up sound DNA evidence for ancestors. The bank could provide match documentation while keeping the details private. The bank would say the match meets their registration criteria,

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