On WikiTree, if you choose to indicate on a profile that you have used DNA to confirm a person's relationship to his/her parent(s), you're asked to provide a statement explaining the matching DNA tests used for the confirmation, and enough information about the match to show someone reading it how that match documented the relationship. WikiTree is not providing the DNA confirmation. You are, in much the same way you provide other sources on WikTree, explaining how you have documented a person's birth/marriage/death information. For privacy reasons, if your DNA match does not have his/her own profile on WikiTree, and post his/her own DNA test information, it's not appropriate for you to be able to disclose your match's private information. Have you asked your match to join WikiTree and add his/her DNA test information? That should solve your problem.
If your goal is to preserve matching test information, have you considered using DNAPainter? On DNAPainter you can not only show who you match, but the details of the matching tests. Your account is private, so you can record any information about your match that you like. I keep all the details of my matches on DNAPainter, referring to the Wiki IDs of the shared ancestors so I know how I'm related to them.