what time in Australia does the Source a Thon start?

+5 votes
Could you tell me what time the Source a Thon starts in Australia.  In other words, when it starts in America, what time is it in Australia?

Also when do I get a Number for the Source a Thon. I am registered.
in The Tree House by Linda Davison G2G6 (7.1k points)
You are signed up with the Mighty Oaks Team.

As the badges are given out manually, it may take a while before you get yours.  I can't see anyone who signed up that same day who has one yet.

4 Answers

+4 votes
Great questions! I was wondering what my number is too. So I looked back and there are a lot of people who do not have numbers posted yet.
by Missy Berryann G2G6 Pilot (231k points)
I just got mine tonight!  Right before I was gonna ask Missouri team captain.  I think they're working on assignment of numbers.
+4 votes
Hi Linda, sorry I didn't see this question earlier. If you haven't got it sorted out yet, I believe the start time is 11pm tonight if you're on the East Coast (noone's on Daylight Savings yet), 10:30 for SA, and 9 in WA.
by Kathleen Cobcroft G2G6 Pilot (109k points)
+3 votes
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (637k points)
+2 votes
Hi Linda,

It starts at 10pm AEST today (1st October) and finishes on the 4th October at 11pm AEST.

by Elle Joackim G2G6 Mach 1 (11.9k points)

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