Idea: WikiTree Virtual Time Capsule

+9 votes

Thinking back on the type of year we have had so far, I was thinking it would be fun to host some type of WikiTree Virtual Time Capsule - giving us a chance to look back at our recent past - but at a specific date in the future!

In order for it to be inclusive for everyone, it would need to be an online venture, so I am trying to figure out how we could accomplish such a feat with the tools we have available here in WikiTree.

The initial idea was to use G2G as the collection platform where everyone who wants to participate can post an answer to a Time Capsule thread. The Post would remain open for a set number of days (e.g., 7 days) in order to allow everyone a chance to participate, and at the end of those 7 days, the post would be hidden from view. The post would remain hidden until the agreed upon Date, on which the thread would be unhidden and shown back to the public.


  1. How long to post the Time Capsule thread (for collecting responses);
  2. Requirements for participation (e.g. answering (a few genealogical questions such as "What brick wall will you break through?"); and
  3. How long to 'seal' the Time Capsule (when can we open it?!).

What are your thoughts? Would you participate in this type of activity? Do you have any other ideas on how we could accomplish this here on WikiTree?

Let's brain storm and see what we can come up with! If enough people are interested, we can start a Space page to capture ideas and map out a process.

in The Tree House by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (795k points)

Adding a few more possible participation prompts:

  • Write a letter to yourself describing your current state of genealogical research and where you hope to be / think you will be in the future.
  • Describe a new feature (function, app, etc.) that you think WikiTree will have in the future.
This sounds like fun, Steve!! I look forward to seeing what other ideas people have.

Sounds like a great idea. We've also had a number of people working on developing different tools in the recent past (some of which are still a work in progress) so you might want to consider that alsol

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